Hi Kathy!!
Thanks for your call today. I'm so excited.
I currently live in Milwaukee, WI and I have been online since 2000. I've had great experience and earned a "chunk" of $$ from online advertising with my own newsletter several years ago.
I am once again a single mother of two wonderful children 12 & 8.
I've been out of the groove on internet marketing for about 8 months and chose to do media advertising/television which works so lightning fast I love it. Now, I'm back to use the internet as an additional resource for spreading the message of good nutrition and sponsoring others.
I've been dabbling with Adland for a couple of years and now took the plunge to upgrade to Gold on here. I'm using additional networking sites also and really need to focus a bit more. I'm going to get my groove back! I just need a new record. :)
Thanks for this opportunity to share and learn from everyone.