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The Drummerboy

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Feed Your Soul - 3 Easy Ways
4/25/2007 1:00:23 PM
Feed Your Soul - 3 Easy Ways
Adapted from Fifty Ways to Feed Your Soul by Rosemary Cunningham (Red Wheel/Weiser, 2004).

When the world is too much with us, or personal crises erupt, or we’re just plain having a bad day, these three simple but potent ideas can bring us soul-nurture and inner peace.

1. Change what you can.
When the word seems chaotic and you feel yourself falling into despair and helplessness, remember something you do control: your personal environment. The more frightening the news, the more nurturing you can make your home: the bed can be made, the dishes washed, the garbage taken out, the clothes hung up immediately, and so on. You can light a beeswax candle in the evening as a reminder that if you can find peace at home, it stand to reason you can send it out like a beacon of light into the world.

2. List what sustains you.
Write out all the things that keep you positive and focused on what matters most. Some examples might be the essential role of Spirit in your life; your gratitude for life itself; your unconditional love for the people who are important to you; your comfort in knowing that your loved ones are alive; thanks for the companionship of good friends; the belief that the difficulties of life are challenges that can be understood and, once understood, go away; and finally, trust in the basic goodness of humankind. You can put this list on your refrigerator as a daily reminder, or carry it with you in your purse or backpack.

3. Gather spirit words. You can collect small smooth rocks and write positive words on each one, such as love, laugh, compassion, delight, and so on. If you keep the rocks in a small bag, you can draw one out every morning to put in your pocket where your hand will find it often. It can become a daily spirit word with which you can bless yourself and pass the blessing on to other souls without their even being awar
~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Judy Smith

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Re: Feed Your Soul - 3 Easy Ways
4/25/2007 3:28:45 PM

Hi Brian,

These 3 possibilites definitely look easy though I can turn on that inner peace without going past step one most of the time.   I turn on gratitude - yep - right to Step 2 - and my crisis, though it is still a crisis, is now something I can deal with. 

When the occasions arrive - and they do- when a simple prayer of gratitude doesn't quite cut it, then I can start on steps 1 and 3 to obtain the peace I need to get through the circumstances.  

 I guess life here on earth would be pretty dang boring without some of those little crisis , mixed in with a few big ones and then there are all of the imagined ones.  We all need a good curve ball now and again to sharpen the ability to get through them.  I hate to admit it, but life has thrown me a whole lot more of them than I will ever remember at this juncture in my life.  And, every one I get through is just another reason to be grateful!

Blessings, Brian - Great forum!



Jill Bachman

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Re: Feed Your Soul - 3 Easy Ways
4/25/2007 10:29:46 PM
Hi Brian,

This is AWESOME advice as always........I love your forums!

Keep up the great inspiration  :-)

Hugs, Jill

Allyson Lier

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Re: Feed Your Soul - 3 Easy Ways
4/29/2007 10:31:50 PM
Well done again Brian! I have come to the realization myself that change is my friend, I must adapt in order to succeed, though it can be a very hard thing to do. Thanks for the affirmation, I needed to read that one today! I have used the second one with my son as he grew up with out his father, I would ask him 'Who loves you?' and then proceed to list everyone who does. He relied on this technique when his cousin asked him about his missing father and Adrien just replied with 'but I have all these people who love me...' I like the spirit words, I was given one of those rocks as a present one time, it looked really nice with the gold writing but it wears of really fast if you put it in your pocket! lol I think a Steadler pen would be best in this case! ;) Namaste, Ally
Re: Feed Your Soul - 3 Easy Ways
5/5/2007 4:55:37 AM

I love your idea of collecting smooth rocks and writing positive words on them such as love and  laugh. I had got as far as having a small pebble as a gratitude stone but had not thought to extend it so that I could have reminders of other positive emotions. Thank you!
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