
Larry Cameron

153 Posts
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Your SUCCESS is determined by your MARKET!
4/24/2007 3:55:25 PM

This is the criteria that I used to select my home
business. It's the market, not the product.
Your SUCCESS is determined by your MARKET!
Yes, that's right! Your market is the number one
factor in your success. Product ranks a distant
We have all heard the old story about selling
"snowballs to Eskimos". It's not very easy is it?
Snow cones however do sell very well in Florida
Get the idea? Your market is key!
All sellers on the internet have a good sound
product that they believe in, yet only a few are
reaching the financial goal that they dream about. Why is this?
You can have the best widget ever invented, but if you are not promoting it to the people who need it, you simply are not going to succeed.
Let's think backwards. Select a market and look for a product to fit that market. Eskimos will most likely buy stoves and snow shovels.
It goes beyond the individual. Let's suppose that
you are selling e-books, mailing lists or any of the many tools needed by would be home businesses. You say, "Wow! What a great market, everyone needs them". You're right, they do. But, if they are not getting their product to the right market, your tools now become useless to them and they stop buying.
So, how do you select the right market?
For years there has been a group that has bought
more product than any other in history... BABY BOOMERS!
When we started walking, shoe companies made
huge fortunes. Buster Brown was only a "mom
and pop" operation. Who do you think bought hula
hoops and slinkys? From diapers to hearing aids
it has never stopped. Millionaires are still being
made today!
OK, sounds like we have a hot market so let's select a product. What do baby-boomers need today?
Not bicycles, wedding rings or baseball gloves.They
are now retiring and fulfilling there dreams of travel and seeing the country. They will still be driving their large cars and motor homes, pulling huge boats from lake to lake.
So, what do they need?
My research indicated that these are the most sought after products:

Gasoline at an affordable price!
There are four major companies  that are marketing fuel saving products.
My recommendation: Fuel Freedom International.

Entertainment. Music and DVD's.
Every Grandfather thinks that the Grandkids need all of the
Disney Movies. Have you heard the new Bee Gee's CD?
Got the complete John Wayne Collection? Are all of your
old War Movies digitally re-mastered?
My recommendation: E4L.BIZ

Travel, cruise and vacation packages.
This is an extremely cut-through business on the internet.
Many, (including me) have been burned.
My recommendation: Your local Travel Agent

Longevity, any products. price is not a factor.
The Magic Potion. Feel better, have more stamina and
My recommendation: M2C Global

As usual, If there is anyone who has questions, needs help
in any way, or would like to discuss strategies, please don't
hesitate to email me.
Check the freebies on my AdlandPro Web Site.
All comments, pro and con are welcome.
Best regards,
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Re: Your SUCCESS is determined by your MARKET!
4/26/2007 7:52:27 AM
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Blogging for Customers

Blogging for Customers

One of the most frustrating aspects of a home business can be finding
ways to market your products. Internet marketing can be a great tool
for home businesses but often times it seems like you need to be an
internet genius just to drive a little traffic to your site.
Finding new and improved ways to get customers to your products is a
hot topic for all business owners. One way that more and more people are
utilizing is blogging. Blogging for traffic is a newer idea that is
catching on due to the increasing difficulty with getting search engine
Search engines have started to weed out sites based on the amount of
links and content in the site and sites that do not have hundreds of
pages or thousands of links are finding themselves buried in the bottom of
a very large virtual barrel.

Blogging has become a way to add content and links to your website.
Adding a blog is a very easy way to add content by posting articles or
messages on a daily basis. These posts will add more and more content to
your site and bring attention to your site in the form of search engine
Linking using your blog will also add links to your site and bring more
content. By adding back links and reciprocal links you are telling
search engines that other sties are interested in what you are offering
and they will then send more traffic your way.

Blogging can be one of the best things you can do for your website.
Opening a blog and posting twice will not get it done. It is consistency
over the long haul that will make a blog successful. Starting a blog
can make the difference between hundreds of visitors and thousands, and
could be the difference between a home business that makes it and one
that fails.

For you Business Owner's with me at 3StepSecrets Payitforward 4Profits you should get started right away with your blog because as you can see it takes a little time to build traffic with a Blog.
Keep in mind though it is a free way of traffic a High way for traffic to your site at no cost to you. So start your Blog today See your Success Guide for detailed step by step instructions. The big Plus for being a Business Owner with.

Only payitForward 4frofits Members have exclusive rights to our 30 Day Success guide to Drive Tones of traffic to your website making profits with this guide is easy as 123...

William Bagley
479 659-1331
Your PIF4P's Business Associate: for life
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