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Thomas Richmond

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If we dont learn from other Points of View? How do we learn.
4/24/2007 12:24:06 PM
"I beg you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to stop arguing among yourselves. Let there be real harmony so that there won't be splits in the church. I plead with you to be of one mind, united in thought and purpose." (1 Corinthians 1:10 LB)  Many of us who are Spiritual also read what others have to say to get that right perspective on what your heart says for you to gro and mature in the Lord. Hence giving out these practicals for you to understand where my back-ground of my life began for Jesus.
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Lisa Simpkins

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Re: If we dont learn from other Points of View? How do we learn.
4/24/2007 1:30:52 PM

Hello Thomas,

What a great write up my friend if we all could just live by these words the world would be a better place to live.

Thank you for sharing the words of the gospel I take them to heart and live by them as much as humanly possable.


Diane Bjorling

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Re: If we dont learn from other Points of View? How do we learn.
4/24/2007 2:24:37 PM

My truer words were ever if only the rest of the world would "get it'..we would be so much happier..just think..less wars..less anger..less one upmanship..less what a concept...maybe ..just maybe we could have peace..may it be so


Elise Hartzell

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Re: If we dont learn from other Points of View? How do we learn.
4/24/2007 7:00:32 PM

Amen to your posting Thomas.  I fully agree; we need to be united and not divided.  After all, we will all be with Jesus for eternity with one another, there should not be any division within the churches, he has one church and we are all his body.  There really has to be unity among the churches.  Jesus is due back soon, and what will we say when he asks us about this?  WWJD rings in my thoughts to this subject matter.

Thank you for the post,

Elise :)

4/24/2007 7:22:13 PM

God has not promised no wars in this life only in the life to come. Satan is the God of this world because Adam and Eve sold out to Him in the beginning. Consider what The Bible says about the time when Jesus reigns on Earth . Jesus being the Prince of Peace rules on Earth during this time and the whole world will be at peace and perfect harmony. But after that 1,000 year reign Satan is released to  go back out into the earth and causes great trouble everywhere on the earth.

Think about it people Satan is the problem. Jesus is the answer. Satan comes to steel kill and to destroy. Jesus said I am come that you may have life and that life more abundantly. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father ( God ) except thru me. Jesus stops the carnal nature we inherited from our father and mother Adam and Eve. Amen!!

Jesus leads us unto the Father.

We could wish and hope all we wanted to to try and keep peace in the world but it will be thru prayer that there is peace at all. Jesus said seek peace and pursue it. Jesus said turn the other cheek. Jesus said love thy neighbor. And Jesus is God's Son. Jesus said what I have recieved of the Father  show I unto you.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace and Jesus is God's Son.

So we know where the trouble comes from. It comes from Satan because he was trouble from the beginning.

And Adam and Eve choose to follow the wicked old Devil. Now look at where we are now. But thanks be to God  which giveth us the Victory thru our Lord Jesus Christ .

So many people want to blame God but we are the blame God is the remedy.

Let's praise Him and Give Him Glory the Glory that is Due His Name.



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