Generating leads is one of the most under talked about aspects on building an mlm business there is. Yet it is the absolute crux of actually being successful.
All warm market marketing is is the ability to generate leads out of your friends, families, and their contacts. Some people are very good at that and can generate LOTS of leads just by warm market networking.
I personally found these to be bad leads. They were not targeted people, skeptical by nature, who did not ask for what I was offering. It was like sifting through massive amounts of coal hoping to not find more coal. Yet often times that’s exactly what you got.
This frustration led me to search for a much better way to build my business. And I quickly realized that if I could generate my own leads then I would have an endless supply of interested people to talk to about my business. The Internet is the perfect place to generate your own leads.
It’s a very simple process. It’s often times not easy, because you need to have adequate knowledge to be competitive in today’s market place, but it’s simple.
The process starts with what is called a “lead capture page.” This is a page you design with the sole intention of capturing leads. It is not meant to present the business opportunity. It is meant to arose curiosity, and force the prospect to enter their information if they want to find out more about what you are offering.
Once they opt in you collect them as a lead and they are entered into your marketing funnel. When your lead capture page is in place, now it is time to turn on the traffic and fill your pipeline with prospects.
That is where marketing comes into play. Knowing Internet Marketing principles allows you to target the exact market of people looking for what you have to offer, and results in TRULY interested prospects for your business.
This simple equation is how many new age network marketers are building very large businesses in a much shorter period of time.