
Beth Binkley

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Why I LOVE my home business ...
4/18/2007 11:06:06 PM

Why I LOVE my home business ...

1. Three serious ways to earn income.

2. Low cost of entry and ongoing cost.

3. Multi million dollar industry.

4. A consumable product that virtually everyone has and uses.

5. A solid program where I can teach people a few simple steps, and they can be in profit.

6. This is a company with heart; a company with values, integrity and a "family friendly place."

If you've EVER been looking for that new, hot, sizzle product that will create it's own success story in Network Marketing, look no further!



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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Why I LOVE my home business ...
4/18/2007 11:11:01 PM
Hello my friends,
Let me help you to boost your sales.
Here is a Place that Aaron Martirano has discovered, It will help you to boost your sells and give you bonus exposure while earning and benefiting from exciting projects they have at the site.
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My job is to help get you the exposure you want and need.
Help your self.

Aaron Martirano
Kathy Hamilton
253 277 1238
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
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Re: Why I LOVE my home business ...
4/27/2007 7:15:56 PM
Short on income how can I build a home business

Short on income how can I build a home business for residual income.  Over time as a home based business mentor and teacher, I find 80% of my leads have this problem. So I thought if I could resolve this issue with at least half this percentage, I would be doing something for them who need extra income that just don't have much money to loose, in which lisle a risk of loosing a small investment.  Most of these Opportunity Seekers are asking me how do I know this will work for me, and I only have so much money in which I'd rather not risk, and I want a sure thing. Or  they say I could just play the lottery.  Well  that struck a cord for me.  These people will play the lottery for 10 or 20 bucks a week maybe more.

Is there something profound about the fact that they will play the lottery and the odds are 20 million to one,  but will not risk the same amount to start a home based Business where they can begin making some profit. At this point I'm thinking this problem may not be resolvable. Hmmmm,  So now let's see How do I solve this lack of funds problem? I think it's more of an issue of not having faith in the final out come because with the lottery they know they will win or they will loose. So I have set up their website for free, I offer a Free marketing success guide, Free mentoring, half of my marketing techniques are free. I set them up with an affiliate program for less then $20.00, in which is just one of the multiple streams of income I have set up for them. They can now work with just that one program till they build some income, and that in its self will prove that my business at 3StepSecret PayitForward-4Profits does work. Now I have reduced the odds and made the costs reasonable. Now this home based business owner has something to work with, and begin building his or her business as big as they would like by duplicating the same principles they have learned.

 When some one sees their success it builds confidence in them and my 3StepSecrets PayitForward4Profits business plan. In Telling my prospects this I have increased my business 25% That's not bad. Communication has paid great dividends That I will always pass down to my Students, and business partners. When people have a clear picture of what's in front of them they are more than likely going to pursue that adventure. So if your looking for a home based business Opportunity for residual income Try 3StepSecrets and I will be their to help you.

Author William Bagely

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