Generally, I don't believe in the idea of a "quick fix" or instant
gratification, but I have to say I was intrigued when I ran across an article
about "7 Ways to Make Yourself Happier in the Next Hour." The author spent a
year testing out the various theories of current scientific studies on
happiness, and came up with seven points. Each of them can help lift your mood
and give you a sense of accomplishment. I wanted to share them with you, Aaron,
so you can try them out for yourself.
The idea is to try to do as many of them as you can in an hour.
Boost your energy by getting up and moving around. Taking a brisk
ten-minute walk is best, because when you are moving faster, your metabolism
speeds up and the activity is good for your focus and mood and helps you retain
Reach out to friends. Arrange a lunch date or send an email to someone
you haven't seen for a while. Socializing boosts moods and having close bonds
with others is one of the keys to happiness.
Get an old task out of the way. If you've been procrastinating about a
chore, tackle it now. Like making that doctor or dental appointment, or
arranging to get broken equipment fixed. You'll feel a sense of relief and a
burst of energy.
Create a calmer environment. Just clearing some space around you, or
getting things in order will give you a sense of serenity.
Plan some future fun. Decide to get to that new movie, or order a book
you've been wanting to read, or plan an activity with friends or family. Having
fun on a regular basis is necessary to happiness, and anticipation is a part of
Do a good deed. Something as simple as holding a door for someone or
offering praise can help, because the adage "do good, feel good" really works.
Act happy. Smile! Just going through the motion of happiness lifts your
spirits and makes you more approachable.
So, everyone , why not give it a try – and get happy!
next time be good to each other out there
Aaron Martirano
Kathy Hamilton
motivating others to suceed