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Muriel Holladay

190 Posts
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Do you practise preventative maintenance when it comes to your health?
4/14/2007 3:39:22 PM

As I get older and see those around me struggling to get around because of arthritis or some other health crisis, I am realizing just how important this is.

After going through a prolonged period of'down time' in my life, I realized that I wasn't getting any better, in fact I was getting worse and doctors didn't seem too interested in finding the cause but rather kept wanting me to try a different pill or sometimes they didn't really take my concerns seriously and simply passed my concerns off as just a fact of getting older.  That is how I was feeling at any rate and was getting very frustrated.

I finally decided to take matters into my own hands and today I am feeling better than I have in 20 years.

I see a trend with people becoming increasingly interested and involved in both prevention and wellness management.  More than ever consumers want to understand how they can decrease the risk of illness and chronic disease.  They want to consider all the options for treatment when medical care is needed.

Good ways to begin practising self-care may be:
      1. Don't smoke.  If you do quite as soon as you can.  There is so much help out there to help in this regard.  
      2. Exercise.  Probably this is the most important and beneficial action you can take.  Stop saying I 'have' to exercise.  Instead 'choose' to do it, for your health's sake.
      3. Eat healthy.  Choose lots of fruits and vegetables and eat regular meals, sit down meals and don't forget to watch the fat intake.
      4. Keep a positive attitude.  Keep stress at a manageable level and get help when you need it.  Manage problems by seeing them as an opportunity to learn and grow.
      5. Read and learn about natural ways of overcoming health problems.  But buyer beware.  Make sure they are well researched by a third party.  Many, so called natural products and juices are tested but by their own doctors and labs so of course they will have beneficial results.
       6. Learn to listen to your body.  It will send you messages that are often so easy to ignore - like aches and pains, headaches, low energy, sleeplessness and any other subtle changes that you notice.

Remember, you are ultimately. the only one who is responsible for your body and health.  Treat yourself with love and respect.  Too often we spend more on our cars, our pets or our homes and entertainment than we do our bodies.

After all, if you wear out your body, where are you going to live??


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