An old couple made their way down the mountain to witness the “iron horse”. As they approached the railway station their hearts began to pound faster and faster since this was the first time they were going to witness a train – the iron horse. Both of them were amazed at the size of the iron horse. They looked at each other and “Ma” asked “Pa”, “What do you think?” “Pa” said, “It will never get moving”. Just then the whistle blew and the train started moving slowly and then gathering speed. After a while the train began to gain more speed and disappeared around the sharp corner. “Ma” asked “Pa” again, “What do you think?” “Pa” was still recovering from his shock, and he replied, “I don’t think that it will ever stop”.
Momentum is one of the ingredients for success. Success is a matter of starting to take action and maintaining the momentum. Just like a kid learning to ride a bicycle. As long as the bicycle is moving the kid will not fall off the bicycle. The moment he stops cycling, the kid will fall off the bicycle. When you set your goal, never lose momentum by being distracted or discouraged by others or circumstances.
"Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use."
Cappacino Stories- Kathy Hamilton/ 253 277 1238