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Ruby Garson

151 Posts
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Do the stores you shop at share their profits with you?
4/9/2007 12:23:35 AM

If not, then you need to check this out!

Save on the items you purchase everyday, and also share in the revenue you help to create! 

That's the way this company believes it should be!

Check it out!  You won't find a better company to partner with!

If you are a women looking to make extra income, visit:

If you are an executive looking to enhance your future, visit:

You'll be very glad you did!

To Your Life Success, From Direct Response Ruby Garson Success University Get paid to be entertained! http://www.E4L.BIZ/money.htm?RubyGarson
Re: Do the stores you shop at share their profits with you?
4/9/2007 6:47:39 PM

Hello Ruby,

To answer your question, YES they do share their profit. I earn an income several different ways through this business.

If you want to see for yourself you can join as a free member! If you would like to check it out. You can go to . Sign up and check it out you can join to shop as a free member and watch a downline being built for you while you check out the business.

I invite you to check it out there is nothing to loose! And I will always be there to answer any questions that you might have!

Thank you for inquiring,


Ruby Garson

151 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Do the stores you shop at share their profits with you?
4/11/2007 8:40:45 PM

Thanks for your post Julie,

I see your business is very new.  The one I shared above is a solid company with a 22 year proven track record.  So I know they are not going anywhere except up.  Their sales have increased by leaps and bounds.

With this company, if you brush your teeth and wash your clothes you can't help but succeed in this business!

I hope that yours has as much success in the years to come and wish you the best. 


Your friend,


To Your Life Success, From Direct Response Ruby Garson Success University Get paid to be entertained! http://www.E4L.BIZ/money.htm?RubyGarson

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