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Bogdan Fiedur

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Adlandpro Community meets in Orlando Oct/2005
7/6/2005 11:35:53 PM
Hello Friends, As you might be aware, Dave Young suggested to me organizing of "getting together" for our Adlandpro Community. We have opened polling stations and most of the respondents suggested Orlando as a place of "getting together" event in October this year. In order to make this event attractive, we have decided that we will offer several internet marketing seminars in addition to entertainment. Also some other prominent speakers will be invited to give you ideas about profitable business concepts. We are tentatively thinking of a weekend seminar on Oct 14-15. I would like to meet all of you during this event. Give me some feedback how you feel about it (time and place) and give me some other suggestions if you believe they would make the whole event more interesting. Dave's idea was to have this event in Winnipeg, but we have forgotten to put Winnipeg on the polling station suggestion list. Do you think Winnipeg would be a good place to meet? For those of you who don't know why I'm talking about Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. This is where Adlandpro is located. Bogdan Fiedur
Shelly Hargis

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Re: Adlandpro Community meets in Orlando Oct/2005
7/7/2005 1:22:55 AM
Hi Bogdan, I Am So Excited about this. I was Hoping New York But There are so Many Members from All over the World , I Realize that We all Cant Have Our Way. LOL.I Think The Time is Fine with Me Personally but Again, Some I am Sure, Will have Scheduling Conflicts. Hopefully People Will Plan Ahead and be able to Clear those Dates for This Great Event. I Have a Goal to Save up for this Trip because I will Kick My self forever if I miss This. Thank You Bogdan and Dave for Sudgesting This Great Opportunity to Meet the Community in Person. Like I said Before in other Forums, There are so Many People that I want to Hug and I Cannot Wait! I am Looking Forward To Meeting All of You. Sincerely, Shelly Hargis
Dave Young

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Re: Adlandpro Community meets in Orlando Oct/2005
7/7/2005 1:27:28 AM
Hello Bogdan, First of all I would like to thank you and your staff for all you do. If it wasn't for you and your staff, there would be no Adland community. I feel strongly that it would be fitting that the Annual Mixer should be held in Winnipeg. I feel that be would be a great boost for the economy of Winnipeg, and also give Adland more exposure to the community of Winnipeg. Thank you so much as this is my opinion. All the best,
Shelly Hargis

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Re: Adlandpro Community meets in Orlando Oct/2005
7/7/2005 2:11:24 AM
Hi Again Bogdan and Dave, I Forgot to Comment on Winnipeg. I Think it would be Great to Be able to Have it There Also. I dont Travel Much as you will be able to tell by My Next Question. Do We have to get Passports to be able to travel There from the U.S. and How Difficult is that Process? I am Super Dumb when it comes to Traveling out of the U.S. lol.(Not too experienced IN the U.S.) Just Wondering. Thanks Again, Sincerely, Shelly Hargis
Greer Trumble

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Re: Adlandpro Community meets in Orlando Oct/2005
7/7/2005 6:00:30 AM
Orlando...great choice! good time of year for orlando, also.
Regards, Greer Trumble _____________ Can you give away an auto responder account?
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