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Kathy Hamilton

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How we treat others is how we treat Jesus.
4/8/2007 3:17:53 PM

                                              HE BORE IT ALL

   Then the soldiers bowed before Jesus and made fun of him, saying,
“Hail, King of the Jews!” They spat on Jesus. (Matt. 27:26–31)

   The soldiers’ assignment was simple: Take the Nazarene to the hill and
kill him. But they had another idea. They wanted to have some fun first.
Strong, rested, armed soldiers encircled an exhausted, nearly dead, Galilean
carpenter and beat up on him. The scourging was commanded. The crucifixion was ordered. 
But who would draw pleasure out of spitting on a half-dead man?

Spitting is not intended to hurt the body—it can not. Spitting is intended to degrade the soul, and it does. What were the soldiers doing? Were they not elevating themselves at the expense of another? They felt big by making Christ look small.

Ever done that? Maybe you have never spit on anyone, but have you gossiped?Slandered? Have you ever raised your hand in anger or rolled your eyes in arrogance? Have you ever blasted your high beams in someone’s rearview mirror? Ever made someone feel bad so you would feel good?

That’s what the soldiers did to Jesus. When you and I do the same, we do it to Jesus too. “I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these--"my brothers and sisters", you were doing it to me!” (Matt. 25:40 NLT).
How we treat others is how we treat Jesus.

“Oh, Max, I do not like to hear that,” you protest. Believe me, I do not like to say it. But we must face the fact that there is something beastly within each and every one of us. Something beastly that makes us do things
that surprise even us. Have you not surprised yourself? Have you not reflected on an act and wondered, “What got into me?”

The Bible has a three-letter answer for that question: S-I-N.

Allow the spit of the soldiers to symbolize the filth in our hearts.
And then observe what Jesus does with our filth. He carries it to the cross.

Through the prophet he said, “I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting”
(Isa. 50:6 NIV). Mingled with his blood and sweat was the essence of our sin.

God could have deemed otherwise. In God’s plan, Jesus was offered wine for his throat, so why not a towel for his face? Simon carried the cross of Jesus, but he did not mop the cheek of Jesus. Angels were a prayer away. Could they have not taken the spittle away?

They could have, but Jesus never commanded them to. For some reason,
the One who chose the nails also chose the saliva. Along with the spear and
the sponge of man, he bore the spit of man.
                                                                       Have a happy,Blessed Easter
                                                                                                  Bro. Ricky
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
John Crawford

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Re: How we treat others is how we treat Jesus.
4/8/2007 4:31:13 PM
So true Kathy. Words to live our everyday lives by. If everyone bided by this doctrine, this world would be a happier, more peaceful place to be. John My-Easy-Promoter is the most efficient, powerful, and completely automated way to promote your website to over 700,000 Search Engines, Directories, Link Pages, Online Malls, Classified Sites! 100% Automated - A Complete Traffic Generating Machine!!! A ONE TIME FEE of $47 allows you sell great e-products and keep most of the profit. Looking for an alternative to Adsense? Tried, tested, and true. Still my best and most reliable & profitable program on the internet. Multiple ways to make big bucks on lotto. My site for health information and other issues vital to the baby boomer. Watch the Video and Be Amazed! The ONE Program You NEED to Join!
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: How we treat others is how we treat Jesus.
4/8/2007 5:11:43 PM
Hello Lady HAMILTON,

You are so right. I would also say there are people who are ironic. They even post icons, images and pictures on Jesus without believing in him some of them aren't even Christians and telling people how good Jesus are, trying to teach the Christians about Christianity. These people are dealing with devil every day but to have good contacts with pure Christian people they just write a message or an article telling everything about Jesus and his goodness.

We can not do more that accept the messages and just smile for the ironies. Jesus gave forgiveness and his second arrival he will ahve the Archangels with him the swords  will be used. The Bible is very clear on that.

So accept GOD while time is. Do good and do not expect any rewards. The real reward will come from above.

Warmest Regards

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Re: How we treat others is how we treat Jesus.
4/8/2007 5:45:37 PM
Thanks My Greek Love,

Your still Number 1 at Adlandpro.

Yes we all know about what you say!!!!So true
Your Lady Hamilton

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: How we treat others is how we treat Jesus.
4/9/2007 7:30:58 AM
Well, it is a shame that people are cruel. Even when they judge people who they don't know or spill accusations about a person being a transexual or a whore. That's is truly degrading. God Bless Alexia

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