Veriuni Advanced Antioxidant with Red Wine Extract
boost your energy levels and healthy lifestyle even more, check out
Veriuni's Advanced Antioxidant with Red Wine Extract. One dose (two
capsules) of the Veriuni Antioxidant includes 500 mg of Vitamin C, 400
IU of Vitamin E, and 30 mg of red wine extract.
potential benefits of these ingredients has been well documented
through years of scientific research. According to medical studies
cited in the New England Journal of Medicine, for example, Vitamin E,
has been shown to reduce risks of coronary heart disease in men and
middle-aged women. What's more, scientific evidence continues to mount
over the benefits of Vitamin C antioxidants for combating risks of
cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic illnesses. For even
more benefits, Veriuni's Advanced Antioxidant mixture also includes a
red-wine extract, which has been shown in several studies to reduce the
risks of stroke and contains polyphenols, a potent antioxidant for even
more healthy benefits.
Stephanie Kagiwada
Veruni Sales Rep #7434256