In Quick Start #3 we're going to
provide you with several ideas on how to market the products you have
available as well as show you different ways of getting traffic to your
ItsYourNet Affiliate Web site.
The steps are to
Know Your Business, be ready to
Provide Support, know how to
Attract Customers, be able to show good
Customer Service, and then start
Generating Traffic.
These are the topics discussed in
your Quick Start #3, so let's get to it...
Know Your Business:
The bottom line to reaching success in any venture
is to learn everything you can and apply that knowledge.
Unless you learn all there is to know about the products
and services you have to offer, know how to navigate through your Web site
inside and out, attend all of the training and meeting events, and apply
every possible avenue of marketing and advertising that is at your disposal,
you will most likely never achieve any levels of success.
You need to realize that no one is going to build a
business for you, and if you do not know what you have to offer in
your business, you are not going to be successful when advertising or
talking to others about it.
Here's an example of what happens if you don't
know your business:
You Say: "Hi, can I
ask you a question... Are you connected to the Internet with AOL or MSN
Potential Customer: "Yes,
with AOL."
You Say: "Really, so
you're paying over $20 per month to connect then, right?"
Potential Customer: "Actually it's
closer to $30 per month because I pay by check, why do you ask?"
You Say: "Well, I
ask people this question because I can show them how to get connected
for $9.95."
Potential Customer: "Really... how?"
You Say: "Just go
to my Web site, you can see everything about it there."
Potential Customer: "All-right, but
what can you tell me right now?
You Say: "Okay, what
do you want to know?"
Potential Customer: "Well,
since you say it's just $9.95, is it V.90 service, do I get any e-mail
accounts, is there a contract, is there a setup fee, how is support
provided, is there virus protection, what's the name of the company, how
long have they been in business, do I need a credit card, do I have to
pay for a year in advance to get that price, other than to save money
why should I switch, do they have an accelerator, and what else
is available with it?
This potential Customer has just asked you a bunch of
Can you answer all of them?
If you do not know your products and can not answer a
potential Customer's questions, or if you tell them you're not sure and they
will just have to go to your Web site, then they will probably tell you
something like:
"Okay, I'll check it out!"
This potential sale has most likely just been
With the above example, although it's not rocket science
when it comes to dialup, if you were not able to answer just one of those
questions asked, then you do not know your business as well as you need to
- Study Your Web Site.
Provide Support:
Having a Web site does not, and never will,
do all the work for you. This is why most companies that do have a Web
site have support channels offering their Customers the ability to
contact them.
Companies that have a Web site usually offer FAQs,
the ability to be contacted or obtain support via e-mail, and most
reputable companies offer telephone and fax numbers as well, but as much
as we would all like to just simply offer our Web site to prospective
clientele and have the work done for us, it is more often that not that
a potential client will want to be in touch with a real person at some
Although ItsYourNet supplies technical and billing support channels for
the Customers you introduce, as an Affiliate member you are not paid
just one-time on your Customer referrals. ItsYourNet pays you monthly
on your Customer referrals. That ongoing monthly payment is
provided because of the ongoing basic support you will need to provide
to those Customers, as well as the training and marketing support you
will need to provide to the Affiliate members you refer.
With you becoming an Affiliate in
ItsYourNet's Affiliate Program, it is no different than if you were
to go to a company to be hired on as a independent sales
representative or independent sales agent to be paid on a commission
per sales basis.
All Commission Salespeople have the obligation to be
the company's independent representative that Customers can contact if
they need assistance. This also makes it possible for ItsYourNet to
increase the amount of commission we pay out. In the event our costs and
overhead is reduced we will either lower the cost of the products you
have to offer or increase the amount of commissions we pay out to
further reward your efforts.
Attract Customers:
One of the most important things to realize is that near
all stores, online and off, have sales or feature items that will capture
the consumer's attention. Considering you have an assortment of
products available for sale through your Web site, choosing one product and
focusing on marketing that one product can be a very wise thing to do.
When you see a grocery store flyer, it doesn't contain
every product in the store, it contains only the products that are on sale.
The idea behind this is a marketing concept to generate traffic. A grocery
store will put a popular item on sale, at their cost or often even below
their cost, just to get you in the door. You know this works, everyone
succumbs to it, we all look for sales and the best deal.
Everyone goes to the grocery store to get that one item
that is on sale, but while there, something happens...
"I need some of those...
These look good... I'll try that... I'm running low on this..."
The next thing that happens is your shopping cart is FULL
of groceries, when to begin with, you only went to the store for that one
item. The profit the store has made from you buying all the other items has
now more than paid for the at-cost or reduced cost of the one item that
pulled you into the store in the first place.
Your ItsYourNet Web site is really no different that a
flyer promoting featured items, however, we do not have sales or discount
events because all of ItsYourNet's products are already offered at bare
bones pricing.
For example, ItsYourNet's hosting services are already
lower than any other hosting company you will find, however, not everyone is
going to be interested in Web hosting. Web hosting requires the individual
to have the ability to build a Web site, so that could scare some people
away from buying that product if they are not a Webmaster or do not have a
Webmaster that can build their Web site for them.
Marketing Tip:
Did you know that out of all businesses in the world,
about 85% of them do NOT have a Web site on the Internet?
To attract Customers you need to appeal to their specific
and individual interests or needs.
Everyone that's on the Internet obviously needs a
connection to it, so they would be interested in the dialup service, that
is, unless they have a high-speed Broadband service like ADSL or Cable. If
you meet someone that will not give up their high-speed service to go back
to dialup, you can at least interest those individuals in the WiFi services.
With the WiFi being a T-1 connection speed and enabling
people with mobility, it will certainly interest near anyone who already has
a Broadband high-speed connection, and with the WiFi service being priced
lower cost than what they are paying for the other kinds of Broadband
service, it's a very good item to have potential Customers subscribe to the
WiFi newsletter or join the Affiliate program with you so they can stay in
touch with the progress of the WiFi service reaching their area.
Learning about your potential Customers desires and
needs, and focusing on one product in your advertising to appeal to those
desires and needs, will be one of the strongest avenues of promotion that
will ever be available to you.
Customer Service:
When you go to a grocery store, and can not find what
you're looking for, you ask one of the clerks where the item is. They are
instantly able to tell you what isle it is in, and they will even walk you
right to it on the shelf. They will also quite often hand the item to you as
well, won't they.
That is good Customer service!
You need to be able to do that same thing with potential
Customers, literally hand them an item on your Web site. This is why we have
built the "Short URLs" for you that are located in the ItsYourNet Marketing
Center in your office so you can provide an instant path to your potential
Customers by taking them directly to what interests them.
If you are talking with someone on the phone, in person,
through e-mail, or even via an instant messenger, you will need to give them
the directions of what to click on in order to get to the product you are
showing them or that they are interested in. You need to be able to talk
them through what they are seeing, what they will be seeing, and where to go
to find further details.
Because ItsYourNet offers you many products on your
General Store shelves, you will need to do some studying to know what you
have in stock and what the different "brands" are to service your Customer's
needs. What we mean by "brands" is that there are products that may be the
same kind of thing, but are supplied by two separate companies, like the Web
hosting packages for example.
If someone is looking for Web hosting, you don't want
to start talking to them about the UNIX/Linux platform Web hosting if what
they intend to build on their Web site will only be able to be done and
supported with the Windows platform.
If they don't know the difference, and you do not offer
the correct platform (brand), then they could be trying to build their Web
site with applications and software that simply will not work for what they
want to do. For example, UNIX/Linux will not support "ASP" or "SQL" or
"Microsoft Access" etc. - You do not need to know what the technical terms
mean, but you do need to know the difference to be able to explain it, or
you at least need to be able to show them where to locate the differences,
or you will end up having wasted the Customer's time, and money, and you
could potentially loose the sale.
One of the fastest ways to learn about the products you
have to offer is by reading the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) pages, and
if you are talking with someone on the phone, you can have the FAQ pages
open on your monitor so you can refer to them if you need to. In e-mail or
via an instant messenger, you can also copy and past the FAQ answers to
questions posed to you in those mediums.
Click on the links, read all the pages, and fill out the
optin newsletter forms on your Web site so you know what your prospects are
seeing or going to be seeing, when they are at your Web site doing the same
signup or register multiple Affiliate accounts. There's only one
Affiliate account allowed per person.
Multiple Affiliate Account Registration
constitutes abuse and are deleted without notice - This is strictly
Generating Traffic:
There are so many ways to advertise your Web site, or
each of the products individually, that this section could go on to be quite
a large book, however, there are many ways to advertise for free, so we will
mostly address some of the free ways to get traffic to your Web site in this
Tax Savings Note:
Remember to always get a receipt if you spend money on advertising your Web
site or business because it is a write-off against your taxes.
One of the main ways to get traffic to your Web site is
through Search Engine submission. Search Engine traffic, on average, is
responsible for 53% of the worldwide traffic to Web sites that gets
converted into sales.
The most cost effective way to submit your Web site to
the Search Engines is by contacting the Search Engine "Indexing Bots" to
tell them to check or visit your Web site. This is free to do and free to
submit your data to, but you will need to use a Very Good Search
Engine Submission Software to access the Indexing Bots. Good software to do
this is not free, however, when you buy submission software it is a one-time
purchase and you have it to use at will thereafter, so it is probably the
wisest decision and purchase you could ever make to promote your Web site.
In the event you wish to start doing your own
submissions, we will be recommending one of the top Search Engine Submission
software programs shortly. It's used by Webmasters worldwide, and is
reasonably priced under US$150.00. Webmasters will charge anywhere from
$250.00 to $500.00 to do a submission for you with this same software so
simply buying the software and doing it yourself can save you a substantial
amount of money. And remember, this also becomes a tax write-off for you.
submit your Web site more than once every six (6) months from the same
When you do a submission, it can take up to six (6)
months to get your site indexed, and the originating location the submission
came from is tracked by the Search Engines. If a second submission is done
from the same location within the time it can take to get you indexed,
it can cause your Web site to be banned from being indexed all together, you
will have wasted both your time and money, and you will have difficulty
getting your Web site indexed any time soon again.
This is the reason we're creating the Global-7
Submission product through your Affiliate Web site. With 7 strategic
points located around the world, ItsYourNet will enable Web site owners
with submissions from a different location each month.
Another way you can promote your Web site through Search
Engines is to pay them to index it for you. It will be listed quicker and
can rank you higher, but there are literally thousands of Search Engines out
there so this could take a lot of time to get done if you're going to submit
your Web site to each one and one at a time. It can also cost you a HUGE
amount of money, and in the end, there is no guarantee you will make sales
from the traffic you get, if you get any traffic at all.
The big Search Engines out there allow FREE site
submission - Yahoo!
Google - however you are most likely
not going to get indexed very high if you do not pay a fee to be
indexed, and the amount of traffic you will receive will most likely not
be that great unless you submit your Web site to about a hundred or more
of the top Search Engines out there, but every little bit will help.
More ways to get traffic to
your Web site:
One way, considering it is free to be involved in
ItsYourNet's Affiliate Program, is to place an ad in the classifieds of as
many newspapers as you can find. Anyone who reads classifieds usually reads
the "Free" section, and 99.9% of all newspapers do not charge anything to
place and ad in that section when you are giving something away for free
because they consider it to be a value added service to their readers. It's
simple enough, place ads in the free section offering a "Free Business".
For a more targeted response, you can place a "Free
Business" ad in the "Business Opportunity" section of newspapers for quite a
low cost, and you can also look through that section to locate people
already advertising a Business Opportunity to find phone numbers and e-mail
addresses to contact them to ask how their ad is doing for them.
This is where the art of "Back-Marketing" comes into play
where you can offer those that are already advertising, whether it be in
newspapers or not. You can provide them with a FREE ItsYourNet Web site to
help them build up their contact list and practice Back-Marketing
We teach this in our Training meeting, so be sure you
attend and learn more about how to do Back-Marketing.
You also have the ItsYourNet
For Life* Contest to get traffic to your Web site. When you see
ads on public boards where anyone can put up a poster or ad, you normally
see something for sale or business opportunities pinned up on them. But you
rarely see anything that says; "Enter To Win An Internet
Connection For Life* FREE".
Ideas for the ISP For Life* contest and other marketing
channels are available in your ItsYourNet Marketing Center.
Another free avenue of advertising your Web site over the
Internet is through the ICQ instant messenger program. It's a free download
that is available on both your Affiliate Web site and in your Affiliate
There are over 148 Million active users on the ICQ
Network. It's an easy place to meet new people, do targeted searches to meet
new people in specific industries or interests, and advertise all without
any cost to you at all. We hold training calls on how to use the ICQ Network
for advertising yourself and your Web site, so be sure to attend them. The
basic ICQ training seminars are about 3-Hours long, so be sure you put aside
enough time to attend, and be sure to have the free download installed on
your Computer prior to these trainings.
You also have friends and family that you
can talk to. Just be sure to remember that people may shy away when you
approach them with a business opportunity, so we recommend that you promote
the products first when talking to your friends and family.
You do not want to pressure them into a
business or to buy the items you have for sale, so simply explaining that
you have started a business on the Internet and that you would like to save
them some money on the Internet products they already use would be a wise
way to proceed.
Simply request that they become one of
your Customers to help support you in your Internet business venture, just
touch on the fact that they can get paid back monthly on their own purchase
as a free Affiliate, and only go into details about the business opportunity
if they ask you about it.
In other words, let them come to you to
ask about the business.
No matter what avenues of advertising you
use, it is the consistent and persistent efforts you put forth, along with learning
about your Web site and the products you have to offer and never giving up,
that will pay off in the long run.
Aaron Martirano
Kathy Hamilton
253 277 1238