It does not
matter what you have to offer on the Internet,
or how great
or fancy your Web site is, you're not going to make
measurable sales or be able to build a business without
It All
Begins With A Web Site!
Your Web site is what people
arrive at to see the products, services, information, or opportunity
that you have to offer, and if no one knows how to find your Web
site, you will get nowhere fast!
Internet Entrepreneurs have two
main options when it comes to owning a Web site...
1) - A Web site that
you design, manage, build, and maintain that is located at your own
Domain Name, where you are able to sell your own products and/or the
products and services of others for a commission.
2) - A Web site like
your ItsYourNet Affiliate Web site (a self-replicating Web site)
that is provided for you by a company who's products and services
you sell for a commission.
For those who are involved in
multiple businesses, having your own Domain Name is absolutely
crucial to maximize your advertising efforts, focus the amount of
time you put into marketing, and it is the optimum way to cut down
on your marketing costs.
The unfortunate thing is that
most Internet Entrepreneurs do not own their own Domain Name
and Web site because they think it is to difficult,
time-consuming, or to expensive to do...
"I Can't
Afford Web Hosting..."
"It Sounds Like To
Much Work..."
"I Don't Know How To Build A Web Site..."
Bank on it, we have heard it all and
hear it again and again!
Did you know
that owning your own Domain Name costs less that $10 per YEAR?
Did you know
that anyone can build their own Web site easily with a Templated
Did you know
Hosting is included with Web site Template Builders and cost
less than $5 per month?
Did you know
that everything you do both online and offline that surrounds
your business is Tax Deductible?
Did you know
that the replicated Web site a company gives you does NOT
market YOU?
You see, most Internet Entrepreneurs
do realise that a Replicated Web site given to them by a company
is frowned upon by many potential Customers. The ID# or Username in
the URL (Web site address) is very visible, and most potential
Customers instantly know that you're going to make money if they buy
something through your Replicated Web site.
Furthermore, the potential Customer will
very often think that they will be able to obtain the product or
service directly from the manufacturer, service provider, or
company at a lower cost rather than buying it from or through you.
Well, we all know that ItsYourNet's
product and services are priced at or below the level of our
competitors, not to mention the fact that our competitors do not
offer any way to earn residual commissions, however, the potential
Customer will never know this unless they really take the time to
investigate the product or service they are interested in.
The fact of the matter is, with the low
cost Templated Web site Builders that ItsYourNet gives you access
to, there is absolutely no excuse for anyone to not own a Domain
Name and build a Web site of their own!
Think about it...
How can anyone
afford not to have their own Web site to drive traffic to?
There's that "TRAFFIC" word
Once you have your Web site, driving
TRAFFIC to it is the next step!
No Traffic = No Sales =
No Income
Having your own Web site will be
worthless unless you have visitors going to it and looking at what
you have to offer.
But more importantly, the visitors going
to your Web site need to be "Targeted Traffic" (looking for what you
offer), or they are usually going to leave your Web site just as
fast as they arrived.
Driving Targeted Traffic to your Web
site can be done via classified ad placements, PPC (pay-per-click)
advertising like bidding on and purchasing keywords through Search
Engines, purchasing banner-ad spots, writing in forums and blogs,
sending e-mails and making telephone calls to pre-qualified leads,
buying featured-ad placement in newsletters and safe-lists, etc.
And of course, what is still hailed
today to be the number one way to increase your Web site's ranking
on Search Engines, the art of "Link Exchange" - Placing links to
other Web sites on your Web site that will bring up the same kind of
products, services, and/or information that you have on your Web
site. This is called "Relevant Links" by Search Engines.
Relevant Links are much the way Google
AdSence works, in that you're placing Google Ads on your Web site
that offer your visitors links to see Web sites owned by
your competition...
Hold on a second... That means
your traffic could buy from your competitors!
Sure, you can setup Google Ads to not
show ads that have the same sort of products you offer, but that
will not do any good for your Search Engine ranking... It will lower
your ranking overall.
So what do you
do to get Targeted Traffic!?!
Well... First of all, realize that just
about all the advertising methods we just discussed above are only
available to you if you own your own Web site at your own Domain
A Replicated Web site, like what you
receive free from ItsYourNet, will not reach any valuable ranking in
any Search Engines for the simple fact that it is a re-seller Web
site that contains a distributor ID# or Username in the URL string,
which is something Search Engines do not like at all.
As a result, if you intend to rely on
just a Replicated Web site in your marketing efforts, your available
avenues of marking are not only reduced, you will have to work much
harder to find Targeted Traffic as well.
Remember what we just told you about
"Link Exchange"...
Search Engines love links on Web sites
that go to other Web sites that have relevant material (content),
and will rank your Web site higher in search and key-word results.
But how do you do this
without losing traffic and sales to competitors?
Once you own your own Domain
name and Web site, you can create a theme on the pages on your Web
site that link to your ItsYourNet Replicated Web site pages = You
keep the traffic!
For example, you can create a Web site
that is focused on "Internet Connections" and have each page on your
Web site contain information (content) about many different kinds of
Internet Connections, like a page about dialup, a page about
high-speed, a page about Wireless, a page about how someone can
become an ISP (Internet Service Provider), and even a page about
where to enter-to-win an Internet connection.
You have lots of pages on your
ItsYourNet Affiliate site that you can "Link To" that contain the
"Relevant Content" that is focused all about "Internet Connections"
and still keep all the traffic.
Keep in mind, that you want to choose a
theme and stick to just that one theme on your Web site!
In other words, if you create a Web site
with a theme about "Internet Connections", you do not want to
link-to your other ItsYourNet Affiliate Web site pages (like the 3D
Virtual Reality or Web hosting pages) because that breaks up the
theme and focus, and Search Engines will see this.
However, you can place ads on your Web
site to create a "Web Ring" to keep your traffic as well!
To create your own Web Ring, you need to
own multiple Domain names and Web sites, and have a advertisement on
all of your Web sites that link to each of your other Web sites.
For example, on a Web site built with
the theme Internet Connections, you can place an ad on one of the
pages about 3D Virtual Reality that is linked to a Domain name and
Web site where you have created a theme about 3D Virtual Reality.
On another Internet Connections page,
you can place an ad about Web hosting that is linked to a Domain
name and Web site where you have created a theme about Web hosting.
On your 3D Virtual Reality Web site, you
can advertise Web hosting on one page and Internet Connections on
On your Web hosting Web site, you
can advertise 3D Virtual Reality on one page and Internet
Connections on another.
This is also the case if you have multiple
Internet businesses, it
is best that you have a Domain name and dedicated theme Web site
for every business you have or do, and place solo ads on the
pages of your Web site that keep surfers going only to other Web
sites that you control.
Well there you have it!
The sooner you establish "Your
Presence" on the Internet, the sooner you will achieve Internet