Hi Kathy,
I own my-easy-promoter.com
The trial will get you no traffic or hits of any significance.
We offer the trial period so potential customers can see the tools and services we offer before buying paid access.
save75% promo is back.
New partner celebration month!
Enter code promo code save75 and get 75% off regular 1st month submission access!
Use our commercial grade promoter for less than a burger and fries!
Paid access users get the full submission database and can access the other traffic services.
Free users can do the free Banner Exchange and get 1000 free credits to start.
If you need validation this is a real service that works, Jane Mark and Phil Basten, owners of 1minuteads.com, freeaddepot.com are my official partners
Jane and Phil now own and operate a my-easy-promoter.com partner site!
New partner site called myeasysubmitter.com
Jane and Phil also run and Ad Agency on Broadway Ave, NYC,NY
These are well known and very powerful marketing heavyweights.
Jane and Phil even gave me a FREE lifetime membership (usually $197) at freeaddepot.com!
I had just asked for permission to use their names etc in my announcements.
Jane said "go sign up free at freeaddepot and I'll upgrade you, if you use our names you may as well get some commissions!"
They are very nice people, and great to work with.
In 45 days I'll get my first royalty check for 10% of Phil and Janes's new partner site business revenue!
With Average Partners (like me) doing $15.000 per month after 6 months.........
Payday will be cool!
Kathy Hamilton
253 277 1238