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Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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make it matter
3/30/2007 12:54:03 AM
Hello my friends,
 Get involved with  companies  that pay,stop wasteing your time and money on programs that are not working.

This Update is to inform you of the following:
Update Contents:
1 ~ Wireless Internet Project
2 ~ Destiny Worlds 3D Realm
3 ~ General Meeting Tonight
This is an Update only.
The regular ItsYourNet biweekly Newsletter will be sent on Thursday, March 29/06.
Now that near all support has been channeled to, and given the expected monumental progress with the Wireless project this year, we want your help with building an impressive FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) database to assist all.
ItsYourNet wants YOUR assistance with the Wireless Project!
Please ask any and all questions that you are able to think of about the Wireless Internet Project by sending your questions to - This address will only be live for the next 2-weeks. All responses will be posted to the FAQ systems after the 2-week period.
Be sure to attend tonight's General Meeting - Read more about the Wireless Project and tonight's General Meeting below!
Many have noticed that a 13th World has been added to Destiny Worlds Universe and are asking what it is all about.
The new 3D world, Artscape, is currently a Private world that will be open within 2-months from now. The theme of this world is to offer artists a gallery-setting to display their work.
More details will be provided as the Artscape grand opening nears.
3D Office Update
The 3DAffiliate and 3DNetAffiliate Upgraded members who have plugged in and learned to build in Destiny Worlds are granted temporary Building Rights for the design and layout of their 3D Office.
Out of all who have selected their 3D Upgrade-Plan, only about 1/2 have selected Land to build a house on or selected their 3D Office.
You are able to see who is a 3DAffiliate or 3DNetAffiliate Upgrade-Plan holder in your Affiliate back-office genealogy reporting area.
ItsYourNet has many events planed for Destiny Worlds, and those with their presence established there will be the ones who benefit the most!
Those who have their Affiliate teams with a 3D Office locking up residence on entire office floors will benefit even more!
As a result, if you see an Upgraded 3DAffiliate or 3DNetAffiliate in your organization that has not selected their 3D Office, or claimed their 3D Land, contact them and assist them to get it done!
3DAffiliate & 3DNetAffiliate Traffic Update
The Upgraded 3DAffiliates and 3DNetAffiliates placed into the Traffic Rotators at have now received an even more direct path for prospects to take the Free 3D Tour!
Before, all traffic directed to the Free 3D Download was channeled to when the prospects clicked on ItsYourNet's Corporate advertising, where they would then have to select the downloads page, and then click to go to the Affiliate's page who was next in queue in the Traffic Rotator.
Now, the advertising is directing the prospects directly to your Affiliate 3D page, completely by-passing all together, and removing 3 clicks from the Free 3D Tour registration.
Three less steps!
Take advantage of the 3DAffiliate or 3DNetAffiliate Upgrade-Plan today, and we will also give you a $10.00 Cash Reward, on top of all the benefits to being an Upgrade-Plan holder.
The General Meetings take place every Thursday in the ItsYourNet Conference Center.
Please be sure you are able to access the Conference Center prior to the scheduled meeting times that are posted in your back-office area (MAC computer users are not able to access the Conference Center).
In the General Meeting tonight, ItsYourNet's CEO Mr. Ken Stewart will be providing statements about the Wireless Project.
Tomorrow, Friday, March 23rd, the NetAffiliate and 3DNetAffiliate training will have a new password for entry.
A link has been added to the left-side main menu in the NetAffiliate and 3DNetAffiliate back-offices.
This link is titled "Conference Call Password" and will change every week from here on out.
In order to attend the Private Trainings, you must be upgraded to NetAffiliate or 3DNetAffiliate, and what better time to select an Upgrade-Plan than now!
ItsYourNet will give you a $10.00 Cash Reward deposited into your Affiliate earnings account when you select any Upgrade-Plan from your back-office!
This $10.00 Cash Reward is a limited-time offer and available only to Affiliate members who have never Upgraded before
Be sure to receive the Upgrade-Plan benefits and your free $10.00 Cash Reward - Upgrade TODAY!
Get those Wireless Internet questions in, and watch for the main ItsYourNet Newsletter next Thursday, March 29th.
Have a spectacular and proactive weekend Kathy!


Best regards,

Affiliate Administration
ItsYourNet, LLC Group of Companies
'Its Your Net - Profit By It'

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Jason Lamure

3475 Posts
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Re: make it matter
3/30/2007 7:43:23 AM

Hi Kathy,

This will be one of the biggest businesses to hit online in years.

You could earn a fortune from just 1 Wifi Isp sign up.

If you know a good thing when you see it, join Kathy in Itsyournet.

This is a serious company with huge resources.

Itsyounet advertises for you and signs up prospects for you, if you upgrade.

This is not something you see many big sites doing.

Just one of the many great reasons to join IYN!




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