That's right. It's right. He's right. She's right. Those words are echoed every day by millions of people. Once we decide we are right, an abundance of energy goes into defending our rightness. However, if we look at the situation objectively, we will quickly become aware that we are never right.
Our way may be a good way, it can be a valid way, it might even be a better way - but it will never be the right way. The minute you believe your way is the right way, all other ways will be wrong. That attitude will quickly paralyze progress. It will shut down the creative juices, which have given you and I a standard of living that is the envy of the world.
Permit me to make a suggestion. The next time you hear yourself saying, "That's right or I'm right," correct yourself immediately by repeating, that is a good way, and I might act on it. However, there is a better way and I will look for it.
The first telephones were a good way, a better way, even a great way to communicate. However, history has proven that the first telephones were certainly not the best way to communicate. By comparison with today's telephone systems, they were terrible.
This basic concept holds true with everything we do, from health care to air travel. Think of your own business or industry and the role you play in it. You could very easily be caught in the trap of doing your job the same way because you believe it is the right way. It may be effective but there is always a better way. One small adjustment could improve your productivity one hundred percent.
Your way may be effective, it may be valid, but it's never right. There is a better way. Find it!
Written By: Bob Proctor
You know, when we talk about being "right" I have to agree with Mr Proctor. No one is right...yes, there are better or different ways of doing things, but also everyone has a different mind. God didn't create any one of us to think or believe the same as anyone else...what may be "right" for you may not be "right" for me.
How, or what I believe in, will certainly be different than anyone else. Some people may agree with me to a point, some are going to disagree all together, but that's okay! This is why so many people end up fighting and arguing because people want to feel "right"...they think their way or belief is the absolute best way. But who are we to determine what is right or wrong? Truly there is only one that is perfect, and it is NO human being...only God is perfect and knows all!
This is why everyone needs to really stop and appreciate that others can be or think different, and that does not make them any better or less than you! Instead of arguing over who is "right" or wrong, why not learn to agree to disagree. Learn that what someone thinks or believes is "right" for that person, and vice versa. Wouldn't the world be a much nicer place to live if we could all learn to live this way!?
Something to think about, isn't it?
God Bless Everyone,
Love, Marilyn