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Roger Macdivitt .

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Adland Friends Remembered
3/29/2007 7:39:59 PM

Hi Everyone,

With the growth in community sites I have been asked to repeat this forum content so HERE GOES:

We should all rememember why or how we arrived at Adland. How did we make our first friend? What led us to make new friends. This forum is not just about me replying to a posting. This forum is for you to encourage and support old and new friends. I want you to treat this like a friends reunion. I recently sent out a suggestion to all to set aside a day, put it in your calendar, diary, online reminder, whatever you use, and to make a SPECIAL FRIENDS DAY. Most of us at Adland are busy people and life throws up challenges and boring routines and health issues and just plain busy and then......... That person that shares your dream, the guy you picked out because he understood, or the girl who asked your opinion on a business, where are they now? Now you remember. You forgot. Forgot to keep in touch, forgot to send the information, didn't find the information or the friends name you promised. Yep we have all done that. What a pity, that person who was on your 'most interesting' list may have gone or be still awaiting a message. We can DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Set aside that day. Go to your friends list and click on a letter. You dont need to start with A you can start at S if you want but just start. Make a simple invite and copy and save it. Make it something like, 'Do you remember we found out in June that we were both interested in photography and promised to swap pictures but I forgot. Can we try again?' or 'We have things in common that make us natural partners, why did we lose touch?' If you can do a general post that fits all that's great because you can copy and paste this to lots of friends who fall into that catagory and get lots of replies. Tell them to meet you here! For those VERY Special people do a one off invite. Just do it! Remind them how this might benefit you both.

I EXPECT to see here some interesting reunions listed.

Tell us why and how. There is no use having a friends list unless you look after your friends. So:

Make a date.

1) Type and save a simple invite

2) Find your friends list and contact everyone, either with generic note or with a one-off.

3) Send out those reminders or reinvites and then wait for the replies. Offer to meet them here.

4) Let us know the intesting meetings.

5) Make this a regular habit.

Your life will change if you make the first move.

I'm waiting to hear now.


Thomas Richmond

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Re: Adland Friends Remembered
3/29/2007 9:20:26 PM

Dear Rodger thanks for the invite, often i make it a habit to invite atleast 12 people a day with a greeting and a welcome. Its not that hard in my profession really, but sometimes it does take people such as yourself to help others be reminded why were all here in the first place. So i want to say thank you Roger Macdivett! Your good people. Enjoy your evening. God_bless

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Geketa Holman

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Re: Adland Friends Remembered
3/30/2007 12:52:51 AM

Hi Roger,

Thanks for inviting me this is a great idea.. thanks for sharing it .. I will take your advice to heart and apply is starting in the morning ..

Blessings and hugs,


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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Re: Adland Friends Remembered
3/30/2007 1:08:55 AM

Thankyou Thomas.

You make your presence felt in a very positive way and are an inspiration to others.

Networking is about folk like you.

Thank you for calling.


Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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Re: Adland Friends Remembered
3/30/2007 1:14:06 AM

Thank you Geketa,

You're welcome as always.

Lets hope that you can find some friends who have drifted away.

Some people just need to know we are there.

To bigger and better relationships,



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