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Orange is NOT My Color!***
3/26/2007 6:36:31 PM

Hello Brilliant*** Networkers,

Why all the asterisks??? (***)  It's crazy out there!!! 

I found a delicious all-natural product... with 500+ scientific studies on the main active ingredient. 

But the lawyers are telling me that's all I can say.  Otherwise I'll be wearing an orange jumpsuit, picking up trash on the side of the interstate. 

And orange is NOT my color!!

Just a word of caution to you when you are talking about nutritional products.  It is actually illegal to say this stuff works.  That is a claim.  Kind of a screwy law, eh.  But before everyone gets in an uproar, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it works***. 

Let me give you an example, I love a particular product called Limu Plus.  For a few years now I have struggled with headaches.  Since taking the product on a daily basis, I have had fewer and fewer headaches***.  When I forget to take it for a couple of days, I begin to get MY headaches again.  This is a positive addiction I suppose.  But here is the point.  This is a testimonial, which I can say without any legal problems at all.  What I can NOT say is that YOU will have the same results if YOU take this product.  In all fairness to the truth, YOU probably wouldn't.

Although I believe there are powerful benefits of fucoidan, adaptogens, aloe vera, green and taheebo tea etc, I can not tell someone that this is so unless there is a disclaimer about the FDA.  You all know the one.

*** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

I can tell you about a product, but the feds will toss me in the clink if I tell people about the results of the the 500+ studies on the active ingredient.  It is not a drug so you can not quote the scientists or the studies.  That would be making a claim...which would make it a drug...which must have government approval... which can NEVER happen for a nutritional!

I can tell you all about the scientific studies of an active ingredient, but then I can not even whisper the name of a product containing the active ingredient.

I love this country***, don't get me wrong here.  However, I believe it is a way for the doctors and health care industry and the government to hold a monopoly on "health" (if that is what it really is).  They have to keep people sick in order to make the money.  They have to maintain the fear.  If people were running around being healthy all of the time, they couldn't make the profit margins that they do***.   

Prescription drugs can be patented.  Nutritionals can not.  They want you spending all of your money on drugs, not on Vitamin C.  They don't want people to discover proactive maintenance for their bodies.  That's why these laws are in place.  They want people to doubt your products.  They don't want people to know they work***.  

But they are bigger than we are.  When the guys in the dark suits come along and their toes accidentally slip under your feet, you are in big trouble.  And big drug profits can buy a lot of really big expensive lawyers.  Talk about getting sick!!!

Here is how you can get around that.  Ask people, "Are you a good detective?"  Get them into the Sherlock Holmes type of mood.  It has got to really be up to them.  "Can you read between the lines?"  And you can even help them along just a teeny tiny little bit.  They can read a synopsis of the studies you want them to by visiting the United States Government National Medical Library:

You tell them, "This is not MY site.  It is from the United States government.  They will not censor that.  So the truth does have a way to find it's way out."  A lot of it is in what I call "doctorspeak" and it is really a lot of Ph.D. jargon.  Just have them read the introduction and the conclusion.  Everything in between is really for people who want to disect the study.  But it is there if they REALLY want to know.

Now this gets a little tricky.  You are inching your way to closer to the illegal part but you are not crossing the line.  You give them the key words for the active ingredient to search.  This is where you step ON the line and not cross it.  You can tell them that, "There are OTHER words they can search... more impactful words... names of conditions many people suffer from..."  But that is as far as you can go. 

THOSE words are what will get the folks with the really BIG toes knocking at your door.  So DO NOT MENTION THOSE WORDS.  Tell them "YOU know what those words are.  Don't just listen to me.  Do your own investigation.  See for yourself.  Search for these documents and OTHER key words."  Stop right there and let them find the information.  If they like what they see, they already know you sell products.  THEY will ask YOU if you know of any products that contain these ingredients and then you can sell your product.

Anyhow, I'll get off of my soap box now.  But this stuff is real.  I hope this helps.  If you have a nutritional product you are selling, be really careful.  I wouldn't want you to get into trouble.  I don't think orange is your color    either!*** 

Kristopher Curry

Mentoring For Free***

*** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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