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The Drummerboy

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Forum Rules 4 "Marketers' Retreat! (please read)
3/26/2007 12:26:18 PM
Hello everyone!  :-)

Welcome to "Marketer's Retreat"!  Please feel free to discuss any topic in this forum.  This is the ONLY forum I will allow new thread posts. 

However, there are a few rules:

  • No Ads please!  
          *  This forum was intended to be a place free from comp plans and the ever so frequent...."Hey come look @ my new site!"

  • All new threads must be approved! (please send me a message to ask my permission with the topic idea before posting a NEW thread topic)
          *  I do not want to have to set this up to be "moderated"....we are all adults
  • Keep it clean!
          *  No personal attacks or harrasment will be tolerated!

If everyone abides by these rules.....this will be a great forum which EVERYONE will be comfortable expressing their own individual ideas and opinions.   Which we are ALL entitled to.............

EXPECT a great day!  :-)

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Steven Suchar

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Re: Forum Rules 4 "Marketers' Retreat! (please read)
3/26/2007 3:15:54 PM
Hi Brian!
If you like to unwind during your day and watch a music video...check this out!!

Visit Kathleen VanBeekom's WHAMMY Forum & Request Your Favorite Song!!

Have a pleasant day...Steven. 
Re: Forum Rules 4 "Marketers' Retreat! (please read)
3/26/2007 3:16:00 PM

Hi Bryan,

You say:"If everyone abides by these rules.....this will be a great forum which EVERYONE will be comfortable expressing their own individual ideas and opinions.   Which we are ALL entitled to............."

I've tried to post on a few forums, if it doesn't agree with the owners it doesn't get posted

   You "New Agers" are really something else... In the same paragraph you say we are entitled to opinions than you say if "we" approve it!!

Joseph in FL


Joseph Handlon - 941-764-0004 HIR "WARNING: Exposure to the SON may prevent burning" Spiritual: Business:
Bea Souza

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Re: Forum Rules 4 "Marketers' Retreat! (please read)
3/27/2007 10:34:33 AM

Hi Brian

This should be an intersting forum. Glad to accept you invite.

Enchanted Hollow: Scents to tickle all your senses

Bionic Hits: Viral traffic and hit exchange together

MadVlad: Responsive free advertising

The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Re: Forum Rules 4 "Marketers' Retreat! (please read)
3/27/2007 12:36:21 PM
Hi Joseph!  :-)

I cannot give you answers to why your posts were deleted in other's forums. is each individual forum owner's right to run THEIR forum as THEY see fit.  I will only delete something if it is nothing more than a basic blatant plug for their business.  That sort of behavior is not tolerated by most here @ ALP.....and is what the sig lines are designed for.

Thanks for the acusational "stereo-type" by the way......I've never been called a "New Ager" before.  I'm not exactly sure why you felt the need to issue that attack......

*Please remember that every action has an equal or opposite reaction.

My reasons for "approving" NEW thread topics are simple.  IT'S MY FORUM!  If you are not comfortable with this rule - then you do not have to visit. 

And yes.....everyone is entitled to their opinions.  But there are certain topics I will not advocate being discussed.  I am a positive person by nature.....and I will not advocate anything negative or something that is offensive to others.

You would be surprised at what some people come up with.

EXPECT a great day!  :-)

Brian Clawson

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!


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