keeps women from achieving the financial security they -- and their
families -- deserve? I believe the root of the problem lies in the
dysfunctional relationship women have with money.
That's the launching point for my new book, "Women & Money:
Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny." My message to all women:
Owning the power to control your destiny requires more than 401(k)s and
Roth IRAs. It requires reconditioning from the inside. In this excerpt
from "Women & Money," I discuss the eight qualities of wealthy
Qualities 1 and 2: Harmony and Balance
Harmony is an agreement in feeling, approach, and sympathy. It is
the pleasing interaction between what you think, feel, say, and do.
Balance is a state of emotional and rational stability in which you are calm and able to make sound decisions and judgments.
Harmony and balance are perhaps the most important qualities of all,
for they serve as the foundation for the remaining qualities. When you
possess true inner harmony, what you think, say, feel, and do is one.
We are so accustomed to this split-screen state of mind in which we
think one thing, say another, feel something else, and act in a way
that has nothing to do with what we just thought, said, or felt. When
your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are not in harmony, it
shows up as an imbalance -- you feel agitated, uncomfortable, you sense
something is off, so you find it difficult to make rational, calm
decisions. This is why these two qualities are a pair.
Quality 3: Courage
Courage is the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or
pain without being overcome by fear or being deflected from a chosen
course of action.
Courage gives harmony expression. When your thoughts and feelings
are one, courage helps you manifest them in the form of words and
actions. When you are afraid to speak or act, courage helps you
overcome your fear. Courage gives you the ability to speak your truth,
even when it is not what others may want to hear.
Fear is usually what stands between us and our courage. But if we
are to embrace this quality of courage to its fullest, we can no longer
allow ourselves to hide behind fear. You can meditate on your fear and
think about it rationally and try to will it away, but in the end, if
fear is preventing you from acting, you must find your courage and act
to overcome your fear.
Quality 4: Generosity
Generosity is when you give the right thing to the right person at the right time -- and it benefits both of you.
Generosity is a quality that most women can tap into very easily --
maybe too easily. As women, we tend to be overly generous with our
time, support, love, and money -- but giving simply for the sake of
giving does not match the definition of true generosity.
True generosity goes far beyond what you give to others. In giving
there is a power, an understanding that you are just the vessel that
wealth or energy flows through. You allow money to come in through your
hands and out through your heart. To be empowered to give, to be moved
to give straight from the heart, is a feeling that all the money in the
world could never buy. So let me ask you: Is that how you feel when you
constantly give of yourself? Do you feel enhanced or do you feel
diminished? You think of yourself as a giver, as generous with your
time, your talent, your money. Others probably describe you as a
generous woman, but if I were to look at you, I might think you give
for the wrong reasons. Do you give because you feel that you should? Do
you give out of guilt or embarrassment? Understand that true generosity
is as much about the one who gives as it is about the one who receives.
If an act of generosity benefits the receiver but saps the giver, then
it is not true generosity.
Quality 5: Happiness
Happiness is a state of well-being and contentment.
When you find the courage to live your life in harmony and balance,
when you understand and practice generosity in the truest sense,
happiness spontaneously appears. When you are happy, you are open and
accessible. When you are happy, you tend to be more optimistic. You
approach new challenges with a clear mind that seeks positive
solutions. You see possibilities rather than problems.
Happiness is not a luxury. It is a necessity for true wealth. When
you are happy, you have the satisfaction of knowing that your actions
come from a place of purity and balance, that they are correct and
generous and kind. There are no regrets in this state of happiness --
and that's a goal worth striving for in all areas of your life.
Quality 6: Wisdom
Wisdom is the knowledge and experience needed to make sensible
decisions and judgments, or the good sense shown by the decisions and
judgments made from an accumulated knowledge of life that has been
gained through experience.
The quality of wisdom is more than intellectual, and it is in no way
related to how much schooling you have. Exercising wisdom requires
cutting through the noise of life and tapping into your core beliefs to
make thoughtful decisions. Wisdom results from inhabiting all the
qualities that came before it. A wise woman recognizes when her life is
out of balance and summons the courage to act to correct it. A wise
woman knows the meaning of true generosity. A wise woman knows
happiness is the reward for a life lived in harmony, with courage and
grace. A wise woman knows how to summon her courage and do what is
right, rather than what is easy.
Quality 7: Cleanliness
Cleanliness is a state of purity, clarity, and precision.
Cleanliness is about respecting the importance of order and
organization. When you don't know where your money is, when you have no
filing system for your important documents, when you dive into your
pocketbook to pull out crumpled bills, when your car looks like a
garbage can, when your closets are filled with junk and clutter -- you
cannot possibly be a wealthy woman. You need to clean up your act --
quite literally -- to bring true wealth into your life. In India, women
sweep the front entrance to their home each morning as a way of
welcoming Lakshmi, the goddess of material and spiritual abundance,
into their home, for there is a belief that she resides at the
threshold of every house. In order for her to enter, she must have a
clear path.
You might be reading this and thinking that cleanliness is nice but
not essential to your financial well-being. I am here to tell you that
if this quality is not up front and center, wealth will elude you and
you will be left with the mess that you created. Respect the power of
this quality of cleanliness. Tell the universe that you have cleared
the path for wealth and abundance to enter.
Quality 8: Beauty
Beauty is the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person that
gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.
Beauty is what you create when you incorporate the other seven
qualities into your life. When you take the steps to have harmony,
balance, courage, generosity, happiness, wisdom, cleanliness, and
beauty in your life, you will exude confidence in who you are. And
there is nothing more beautiful than a confident woman. Remember, when
you are confident you feel secure, and when you feel secure you have no
fear. And when you have no fear, you have the courage to say what you
think and feel in a calm and wise way. And when you are calm, you make
wise decisions with your money, which then allows you to be truly
generous to others as well as yourself, which, in turn, makes you a
happy, powerful, and beautiful woman. Do you see how all of these
qualities work together to help you arrive at the goal of being a woman
in control of her destiny?
Summoning the 8 Qualities
I've noticed, in my own life and in others', that the more you
summon these qualities, the easier they are to access. Harmony yearns
for more harmony, and balance abhors imbalance. Courage begets greater
courage. Once you are generous in the right way, a lesser form of
generosity will feel inferior to you. True happiness will never permit
you to settle for a lesser form of happiness. Cleanliness recoils at
disorder. Wisdom, once achieved, is with you forever, and beauty
inspires beauty in all things.
Carry these qualities with you throughout your life. Write them on a
notecard and keep them close at hand -- in your wallet or in your
pocket. Make it into a talisman to guide you every day as you make your
way through life and all its impossible demands. These qualities will
keep you focused and tranquil. Let them and they will offer you
constant reassurance that you are acting powerfully and correctly, with
love in your heart and the purest intentions, to realize your goals of
security and comfort for yourself and all you love.