Earn money by sharing our club with others!
We have shared with you the three benefits that all Lotto Magic Team Players enjoy.
But, our club membership gets even more exciting if you decide to join as a Team Captain. This optional membership costs $50.00 per month and Team Captains receive all of the benefits that our Team Players do, PLUS they get to earn commissions by referring other Team Players and Team Captains who join Lotto Magic.
Team Captains receive $1.00 per month from each member on their team of 7 members that the club provides in addition to 10% of their ticket winnings.
Plus, Team Captains earn $5.00 per month from each Team Player that joins Lotto Magic from their referral -- and $25.00 per month for each Team Captain that joins!
And they receive 10% of the ticket winnings of every single Team Player or Team Captain that they get to join Lotto Magic!
We have members that are sharing in the winnings of hundreds of lottery tickets each month by sharing our club with others.
And it gets even better!
Those Team Players and Team Captains that you enroll in Lotto Magic? You also receive $1.00 plus 10% of the ticket winnings for every single member that they refer to the club.
All these commissions are not paid once, but each and every month that members are active!
The chart below details the differences between the $25.00 Team Player membership and the $50.00 Team Captain membership.

Both Team Players and Team Captains receive our first 3 benefits. Team Captains are the only members who earn commissions from membership referrals. You can upgrade from a Team Player to a Team Captain at any time.
How difficult is it to make money
by referring new members to Lotto Magic?
Well, I will let one of our members share that with you herself. Read what this 67-year-old grandmother from Ohio has to say:
"Wow! I made over $4,400 last month and didn’t even budge from my chair! It’s just amazing that my income keeps growing like this. This system gives me the best odds of hitting a jackpot and when I do, it will just be the icing on the cake!" -- Alice P, Ohio
We have many different methods for you to use to start earning commissions like Alice is. When you join, you will receive a Marketing Tips and Strategies booklet that shares the successful methods that our members are using including:
- local telephone surveys
- handing out business cards
- mailing postcards
- classified advertising in local papers
- marketing through the internet with a FREE replicate website! HTTP://WWW>FLALOTTOMAGIC.NET/?=TMOBIL8 <)
Anyone from 18 to 88 can make money!