
You've Been Cheated!
3/20/2007 11:09:50 AM

How many times has that little voice in your head stopped you from making a move on something by echoing those nasty words "If it sounds too good to be true is probably is"?

Whoever coined that phrase has cheated millions of people out of living the good life because they are too scared of getting ripped off!

How many times have you read my posts and had that stupid saying stop you from really looking at my opportunity or looking at the many opportunities from other Adlanders?

Are you really satisfied with the program you are promoting or are you just being strung along with hopes that this will all "Pan Out"?

Look folks, I have been marketing online for over ten years now and have seen many hopes and dreams go down river along with thousands of dollars, My dollars!

When i tell you that i have found something that works i am not just saying it to hear myself talk, i am trying to save good folks from making the same mistakes i did in the early days!

I am NOT KIDDING when i say that this company that i promote to you all the time is the real deal and has changed the lives of hundreds of good folks from the gulf port area who lost everything when Katrina hit them!

I am NOT KIDDING when i say that this company now has over 15,000 members in over 70 countries and has never lost one single member in it's going on three years now!

I am NOT KIDDING when i tell you that they have NEVER missed a check to any of their members!

I am NOT KIDDING when i say that D. Jack Smith who was voted the #1 lawyer in the U.S.A. in 2006 is now the general council for this company and that he in his 36 plus years in law has never agreed to be general council for anyone he represents!

I am NOT KIDDING you when i tell you that thier are already three millionaires who have been made within this company and there are several 5 figure earners that total in the hundreds!

So STOP listening to that stupid saying for the last time and look at what i am offering you!

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