Hello My friends,
Here is a newsletter Aaron and I get, this is why we get so excited,Let us show and teach you, come be a part of our team.
yes we do get money into our accounts as well.
Dear Aaron Martirano,
This Newsletter
is to inform you of the following:
1 ~ Wireless Corporation Quiet Time
2 ~ ItsYourNet Affiliate Paychecks
3 ~ Destiny Worlds - Tour Time
4 ~ More Upgrade Packages
5 ~ New Support Tickets
P.S. Want Some Traffic?
1 -
Questions are still coming in about
the Wireless Internet project and
Stock in the Corporation since
release of the Thursday, December
22, 2006 that announced the "Quiet
available material found on your
Affiliate Web site, in the Wireless
Corp. Building in the Destiny Worlds
3D Virtual Realm, and in past
Newsletters offered in the
Newsletter Archives in your
Affiliate back-office are all that
is able to offered until the
Wireless Corporation informs us
can not and will not comment or answer
questions about the Wireless project
until then.
Questions about the Wireless project
need to stop coming in to our
support channels - Thank you!
2 -
ItsYourNet Affiliate Paychecks:
Hundreds of Affiliates Upgrading
to the
Package we are very pleased to
see so many earning substantial
incomes in ItsYourNet and
paychecks going out the door to
be delivered!
"Why am I receiving so may
commissions when the amount of
Upgraded Affiliates do not seem
to add up?"
"I think there is a mistake... I
am being paid a lot of
commissions... Is the software
working correctly?
"I do not see any Upgraded
Affiliates in Tier-1 or Tier-2
of my organization, why I am
receiving commissions?"
About all we can say to these
questions, is...
You're Welcome :-)
Several Affiliate members have
been wondering why and how they
are receiving so many
commissions when the amount of
Upgraded Affiliates in their
organization do not seem to
warrant the commission totals,
so let's show you how this
best way to explain this is that
you have what is called "An
Infinite-Tier Compensation
in other words, you are able to
collect commissions from any
Tier in your Affiliate
organization to Infinity.
doesn't matter if you have an
Upgraded Affiliate member
located on your 3rd, 4th, 10th,
11th, 50th, 100th Tier or
beyond, you will still receive
the commissions from their
Upgrade just because they are in
your Affiliate organization!
The only thing that can
"block" commissions arriving
with you from past Tier-2 in
your Affiliate organization
is if two (2) Affiliates
have Upgraded between you
and where the commissions
are being generated.
realize, most companies that
offer compensation for Affiliate
sales will not pay you in this
way. Not only do most pay just
one time on the sales you make,
they also keep the "uncollected"
commissions, which they refer to
as "Breakage".
ItsYourNet wants to see you be
paid as much as possible, and
simply put, not only does
ItsYourNet pay you monthly on
sales you have made, we will not
take "Breakage" from you like
other companies do either. We
know you work hard to build your
Affiliate organization, so you
deserve to be able to maximize a
fantastic paycheck from it, and
THAT is why so many of you are
seeing commissions paid to you
out of what seems to be thin-air
Don't delay
on what you can do today!
building your organization and monthly
income by getting Upgraded right now!
get Upgraded follow these Instructions:
1 Login to your Affiliate
(you are
already logged in to read this
2 Go to "Upgrade Plan" (on the left
3 Select the Plan option (pull-down),
click "Select"
4 Select Payment option (pull-down) >
"Major CreditCard" or "Pay Pal"
5 Enter Payment information then Submit
> Results page says; "Transaction
approved and plan upgraded successfully"
> You then click on "Please click here
to continue"
That's it,
that simple, your Upgrade is then
3 -
It has
been wonderful to see so many having
such fun in our Destiny Worlds 3D
Virtual Realm!
What has
been even nicer to see is several
Upgraded Affiliate members bringing in
"groups" of new people into Destiny
Worlds and taking them on the Tram-ride
for a "Guided Tour"!
We applauded
those of you who are doing this!
You are
using the Tram-ride to do exactly what
it was built for, to show ItsYourNet's
products and systems for you, in
a completely unique and interactive
medium that your prospects have never
experienced before.
And best of all, the amount of new
Affiliate members registering with you
proves that it works!
We see a
group of 5... 6... 7... or so...
running along the tram track, and at
the end of the Tour, we see 5...
6... 7... or so... new Affiliate
members register and the Upgrades as
For all
those who have never seen or
experienced this amazing 3D
technology, you need to!
around inside your computer screen
with other people from around the
world, take the 100% Free Download
from your Affiliate back-office,
take the Tram-ride tour, and witness
the most amazing and automated sales
technique you have ever seen!
Why is
this all such a big deal?
If you
do not plug-in to this technology
and its automated sales systems now,
just think of how lost you will be
when the Wireless Corporation
launches with the Download to a
sister 3D Virtual Realm being
installed on every PC of every
Wireless Customer that subscribes to
the Wireless services...
of Millions of people with instant
desktop double-click access...
Are you
starting to see the big picture?
4 - MORE
We are
working on the release of more of the
Affiliate Upgrade Packages for you, but
that is just the beginning of what will
be opened up for you and your Affiliate
organization when we release them.
You will be
able to advertise near any Web site you
own and/or business through the systems
we're releasing for you, and all the
Traffic and individuals that are not a
part of ItsYourNet that advertise 100%
free of charge in our generic Web sites
will all become leads and automatically
channeled to signup with the ItsYourNet
Upgraded Affiliate members.
In essence,
what we are creating is a huge Web-ring
of inter-linking Web sites that all work
together to cannel enormous amounts of
Internet traffic back to the ItsYourNet
Upgraded Affiliate members, a perpetual
cycle of fresh and endless pre-qualified
internet marketers and business-minded
But this is
only the beginning, the next phase of
traffic hitting ItsYourNet will be
through automated telephone calling
systems that run 24-hours per day and
every day of the year (except on
holidays) that will direct telephone
owners to visit a Web site to see the
Future of the Internet TODAY!
This traffic
will then be converted into new
Affiliates registering with the Upgraded
Affiliate members, and we are going to
be introducing this automated system as
a product for you to individually use as
Take a real
close and hard look at the Affiliate
Upgrade Packages - They are all about
building your Affiliate organization and
business, advertising Co-Op systems that
will continue to grow and grow and grow!
5 -
The new
Support Ticket System will be
in-place this coming week. This is
being implemented because of the
massive increase in Spam e-mail
hitting near every inbox in the
ISP and Web
hosting companies are doing everything
they think will work to save their
Customers from junk mail, but the way
they are going about it is just dead
"Filters" that ISP and Web hosting
companies are putting in and
tightening up on are the worst way
to block Spam, and the real Spam
still gets through anyway!
does not get through is the
legitimate e-mail that you want to
receive, it is being dumped all over
the place, and even ItsYourNet (a
legitimate ISP and Web Hosting
company in business for years) now
has to battle with other ISPs and
Web hosting companies to prevent @ItsYourNet
e-mail from being blocked and
This is
only going to get worse over time,
so we are taking charge of the
situation right now.
We are
setting an example for other ISP and
Web hosting companies in that we
have added what we believe is the
best permission-based Spam-mail
blocker in the industry. We have
tested them all for years and found
this to be the best, and offers a
30-day free trial is even offered as
Now live
in your back-office under the header
"E-mail and Inbox Resources > Put An
End To SPAM E-mail", check it out,
and enjoy taking back control of
your e-mail inbox once and for all.
addition to the anti-Spam software
for you to block your unwanted
Spam-mail, the Support Ticket system
we are introducing will make all of
ItsYourNet's Support e-mail
addresses become obsolete, thus they
will all be deactivated and rendered
With the
new Support Ticket system you will
be able to login to one central
place and see one simple form to
complete for your support needs, and
although an e-mail will be generated
and sent to you, the link to track
your Support Ticket will be able to
be found in the online support area.
We will
announce the change-over as soon as
we make it live, and will post
notice to your back-office area as
basis behind the Affiliate Upgrade
Packages is a unique Co-Op Traffic
Generation system designed to build
your Affiliate organization with you
and your Team...
section we just added to your
back-office titled "Drive Insane
Traffic To Your Web Site" is where
you will find these tools, and are
what was introduced to the
NetAffiliate and 3DNetAffiliate
upgraded members last week in the
private Upgraded Affiliate Training
positive response has been
overwhelming to this section and
the training call, and next week
ItsYourNet's President Ms. Mary
McCammon (a.k.a. Angel) will be
hosting another private training
for the Upgraded Affiliate
members again.
next training will be to show
you how the use of the Splash
Pages included in the
NetAffiliate and 3DNetAffiliate
Upgrade Packages are used with
these traffic generation
systems, along with complete
training on how to set up
different traffic campaigns to
deliver loads of traffic to your
Affiliate Web site and/or any
Web site you choose!
Don't miss out - Only those
upgraded to NetAffiliate or
3DNetAffiliate will be sent an
invitation to attend!
Trainings are recorded, and we
are pleased to announce that the
first Recorded Training is now
live and available in the "NetAffiliate"
and 3DNetAffiliate" back-office
The Free Affiliate and
3DAffiliate members do not have
the Splash Pages available in
their back-office and as a
result they do not have the link
to the Splash Page training
recordings. These are sections
that only go live in your
Affiliate back-office when
Upgraded to NetAffiliate or
will do it for another
ItsYourNet Newsletter Aaron!
sure to watch for several
Updates throughout the next
2-weeks, attend the next
ItsYourNet General Conference
Call, an Invitation-only e-mail
for the next private Training
(along with back-office posting)
for the NetAffiliates and
3DNetAffiliates, login and tour
the 3D Virtual Realm, and have a
spectacular and proactive
Aaron and Kathy
Chief Executive Officer
ItsYourNet, LLC Group of