Hello friends,
I get phone calls almost every day from online friends asking me how I have created an online presence and a number of passive income streams.
While I am happy to help, I cannot teach one person at a time in a few minutes, so I am very excited to announce a new course designed to teach you how to create your online presence to develop multiple passive streams of income.
The course is:
How To Create A Compelling Web Presence (on a shoestring budget).
My Prosperity Partner Robin Harris and I have designed the course to guide you through the process of using simple inexpensive or free Internet technologies, including building your opt-in list, using autoresponders, affiliate marketing, blogging, podcasting, networking in online communities, message boards and forums, email discussion lists, newsletters and more.
Integrating other people's products or services into your business model can also create multiple streams of income, so we will also focus on affiliate marketing.
The course includes written materials, 2 one hour Saturday teleconference calls, and online coaching sessions with Robin and Linda.
The cost for the entire course is only $75.00.
The next course is schedules for two Saturdays on April 7 and 14, 2007. The Conference calls will also be recorded so even if you are unable to attend you can still sign up for this course and take advantage of the recordings available.
Prerequisites for course:
Personal Computer
High speed Internet Access
Email Address
Basic Internet and computer skills
Basic writing skills
Desire to market a product or service on-line
This course requires no special technical skills
SPACE IS LIMITED, so PLEASE register today to reserve your place in the course.
We look forward to sharing the techniques and technologies to help you create your own success by creating online passive income.