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Bj Burgess

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Take The Plunge
3/4/2007 2:11:14 PM
Take the Plunge "Watch me dive off the high board, Dad," my ten-year-old son called out. I looked up to the ten-foot-high diving board and waited as he stood at the edge, stooped over, arms extended. He had jumped off the high board many times before, but now his nerve seemed to falter as he contemplated streaking through the air headfirst. The swimming pool was vacated, so he could take his time. "You can do it, Robby," I encouraged. But he couldn't. Not that evening. For 20 minutes, he attempted to muster the courage to make the plunge, and he finally gave up when the pool closed for the night. "I feel disappointed in myself," Robby said on the way home. "I feel terrible. I know I can do it, though. I know I can." He persuaded me to take him swimming again the next evening. Like the night before, we happened to be the only swimmers. "I'm going to do it this time," he said emphatically. "Watch me!" He climbed the ladder and walked to the end of the board as I watched. Again, I encouraged him. Again, he hesitated. As the previous night, his nerve failed. It seemed that he would never conquer his fear and leap. The lifeguards on duty helped me cheer him on. "You can do it, Robby," we all exhorted. "Just do it! Don't think about it. Just do it!" For 30 minutes, we encouraged him. For 30 minutes, he started and stopped, he leaned and straightened and fought the fear that held him back. And then it happened. He extended his arms, bent over the edge and fell headfirst into the water! He emerged to the sounds of laughter and congratulations. He did it! He finally did it! And before he went home, he did it three more times. Robby learned something about facing his fear that evening, but he learned something else, too. He learned that some things can't be done with less than full commitment. A chasm cannot be leaped in two small jumps and a dive cannot be made a little at a time. Sometimes you just have to do it! Written By Steve Goodier For more inspirational Articles to help you sign up for this FREE Newsletter After joining email me for the website url
Re: Take The Plunge
3/4/2007 2:39:27 PM
Thank you for this...My life is one hesitation after another for 39 years and I'm trying to exert some follow through and follow up on my numerous internet ventures. I've been on the 'net for one year and it seems like 90% of the people misrepresent, lead you astray, and just plain take advantage of desperate people...Advise?
Anthony R Holloway aka SirCrunch
Bj Burgess

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Re: Take The Plunge
3/4/2007 3:42:17 PM

I’m no expert on giving advise, and I’m sure there are lots of people in this community could give you way better advice than I could, but I will say this. There are chances people take in life, and you won't know until you take them if it‘s the right choice or not. Doors open and close all the time, and most things are never free and if they are then you can take them at face value.

There are never any guarantees on and kind of business adventure, only guarantee is what your willing to put into it. I’ve found, that if you really want something bad enough, then you can make it work to your advantage.

Having a company that will work FOR you and WITH you is always the bottom line for me. Of course, it’s better when the price tag is small. Most of the businesses I’ve really looked at, want $250 to join, then another $1000 to go up to Super Team Gold Member. There are few and far between opportunities that come along and you don't know, ‘is this the one, should I‘? But I will say this, most opportunities carry a price.

There really is never free, maybe free advice, some people take, some don't. And if you think someone is going to give you something for nothing, then you will get just that nothing.

I've looked at a lot of businesses, and when interested, checked them out. I signed up for a lot of free programs, and found in order to make it work you have to spend money. It’s what you put into it that counts. If you think it can work, and your willing to give it your all, then that’s the bottom line. That’s why I say for this Free Newsletter, it is free to join, they teach you how to make money, and what you do with it. It is entirely up to you what you do with it. If you don’t make money, then that is you, not the business.

Maybe the right opportunity will knock for you soon, and just be ready for it. I'm not sure if this has helped you, but there is always hope. And I know you will find what your looking for. You maybe looking at it right now. The chance is yours, your call.



Barb Doyle

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Re: Take The Plunge
3/4/2007 3:45:21 PM

Hi Bj,

Thank you for sharing this great story. I have found that to eliminate fear it's as simple as taking action. Most things that we are afraid of we find aren't really that bad afterall. Controlling our thoughts is so important.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc

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