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Dave Cottrell

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Cute Beyond Words
3/2/2007 1:22:22 PM
Hi everyone, I just came across a story about baby tigers and baby orangutans who have become best friends and, in fact, quite inseparable. It's cute beyond words. God bless, Dave
Re: Cute Beyond Words
3/2/2007 3:11:21 PM

Cool sites, Dave. 


Robert Montgomery

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Re: Cute Beyond Words
3/2/2007 4:08:32 PM


Nice sites!

And the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb !!!!!!

We can learn alot from animals.... they have learned alot from us.....

How to hate, how to fear, how to destroy, how to period.....

But actually animals can teach us more than we have ever learned thus far on this planet. People are afraid to be seen watching an animal just to learn how to be a human. Oh what would my neighbors think?

Oh I am in high standings with the church, I just can't watch and learn how to be a human from an animal !!! God forbid......

Animals are very un conditional....They do not harbor hatred as we do.

Yes they are animals and they do need to eat other animals... but watch when they do... they go for the sickly of the bunch. They do not just pick a Gnu and chase after it. It has to be sick and slow .....

Simply simple Dave

Robert Montgomery



Ram_Industries Robert A. Montgomery
JJ Pickels

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Re: Cute Beyond Words
3/2/2007 6:28:44 PM

Hi Dave!

Those are cute beyond words!  Who says opposites can't find common ground?

I needed that today, Thanks!

Have a Blessed Weekend!  ~ JJ

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Re: Cute Beyond Words
3/2/2007 8:23:04 PM
Greetings Dave, THank you for sharing this remarkable story with us. It is so lovely it just shows different animals can get on when they are small.But when they get big the trouble starts. That is why Jesus said we must become like young children to except Gods kingdom.When people became adults they are too proud to listen.They think they know everything. It is amazing to see the tigers are already 5 months old and they start eating eat meat at 3 months. Stories like this really touch ones heart thankyou once again. God bless love veronica
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