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Kathy Hamilton

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Tell me if you can be serious
2/28/2007 11:05:57 AM
Hello my friends,
Time for ya all to get serious about your business, lets step up a peg, I just signed up for this, tell me what you think.I want your opinion.

I just came across this great website that I thought you
would be interested in.

They provide Internet Marketers Viral List Building Software and get

They are actually giving it away at no charge.

This is the same software that some "Gurus" are trying to sell for as
much as $197.00

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Here is the link to get the download.


Kathy Hamilton/

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

1089 Posts
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Re: Tell me if you can be serious
2/28/2007 11:32:08 AM
After just a quick look and w/o subscribing, first impression does not atract me. I do not appreciate unnecessary reference to barn yard fecal matter. The skeptic in me assumes a hidden agenda. Legally, it's probably safe but it wouldn't take much to be on thin ice. I'll stick with what I have because of what and who I know is part of it.
Good luck, though, maybe keep the rest of us informed with how it works for you.     
Mahlon Grube

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Re: Tell me if you can be serious
2/28/2007 11:57:21 AM
Dear Kathy,

I think getting something for free is great.  I don't know about the upgrade until I try the free.  I am working on 2 other projects right now and am rather busy.  I will check it out as soon as I have time.

My main project now only requires me to find 6 people, so I don't need a viral list.  I don't like programs where you must keep recruiting people all the time to make any money.

Glad to see Aaron and you are doing so great in "It's Your Net".
God Bless You, Mahlon Grube I help people in MLM Succeed.
Re: Tell me if you can be serious
2/28/2007 12:23:05 PM
Hello Kathy, I took a look at the website. Since you asked for my opinion,it would be the same as the one posted by Rudy.
Warm regards, Jr Reedy
Sharon Lee

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Re: Tell me if you can be serious
2/28/2007 2:20:04 PM

Thank you Kathy for another marketing tip. I know Todd Thompson well and am aware of this one.

Thanks, Sharon
