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The NPN Helping Group - Level 1
2/27/2007 8:48:58 AM

Guiding new ones in using Alandpro for Manual-promotion

Welcome to our "NPNs helping others" Group!

This is to set you up to start your Manual-Marketing.
You are Guaranteed that you will be using only 
FREE resources for your Manual-Marketing.

You will now set your Signature in adlandpro as simple as this:

Log-in to “adlandpro”, at the Top-right, click on “Networking”.
On the Top-left of page under “
Account Setupyou will see “
lick on that to fill-in your personal details. Scroll down to “Signature:”  then just copy and paste this below- Put in your own NPN URL to promote: 

”The NPN Helping Group!


* Exchange and Promote together

* Reduce Risks and Errors together

* Help New Ones Reach Profit in Time

* Developing and Diversifying together


All Starts at:"

 After you will want to review your details and then click
on “update profile”.

Your next step is to go to:” The NPN Helping Group - General Discuss” introduce yourself by just greeting or saying thanks to your up-line who invited here.
He will identify you and know that you’re with us. He should then send you (instantly) the method to use in networking for your manual-promotion.

After practicing this method, you should go to"The NPN Helping Group - Bringing your Downline".

If have any questions-like adding your photo, just feel free to reach me or anyone else here.

Stay Active & Grow!



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