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Dave Cottrell

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Preparing the Chickens... lol!
2/26/2007 1:43:54 PM
Hi everyone, So, it seems that a man went into a nice restaurant and was shown to a comfortable seat by the windows, overlooking the bay. The waiter stopped by his table to take his order. The man asked how the restaurant prepared their chickens. "Oh, there's nothing really special about it," replied the waiter. "We just tell them straight up that they're going to die!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Have a super day! God bless, Dave
Tanya V.

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Re: Preparing the Chickens... lol!
2/26/2007 6:53:08 PM

Kinda like this Dave??

Have a fabuous week!  :)

Re: Preparing the Chickens... lol!
2/26/2007 8:41:25 PM
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Enjoy the Journey but Don't Treasure the Trash

Hi Dave,

It sure beats having the chickens get up and walk off your plate!!!

We humans, I think, have also been told straight up.  But have you ever noticed how many people will say something like IF something should happen to me, I want to be buried beside...

Seems to me that it is more a question of WHEN rather than IF.

Anyway just keep those light-hearted stories coming our way. Laughter is good for the soul. Thanks for all you do at Adlandpro.


Builder99 says, Found any Treasure lately?

Nick Sym

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Re: Preparing the Chickens... lol!
2/26/2007 9:43:50 PM

Hi Dave!

I guess it is OK if you make fun of chikens, but can you talk to them - lol

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Jo Matthias

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Re: Preparing the Chickens... lol!
2/27/2007 1:35:23 PM
Hello Dave,

Those poor chickens!!!!  Would you want to be in their 'tracks'????  BTW, I love 'fried chicken'!!!

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