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The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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New Name Notice
2/26/2007 12:10:08 PM
Hey everyone!  :-)

Just wanted to give all of you  a "heads up" that I decided to change the name of this forum from POWERFUL INTENTIONS GOOD VIBRATIONS.  I actually made this deciosion a while back - however I just now got around to it. some of you may know......there is another very popular forum that has been on the net for quite a few years with the same name......

If any of you are familiar with Chris Tinney or "Marci from Maui" then you'll know what I'm talking about.  I actually used to be an active member of that forum a few years back - so that explains how the name "just came to me".  Not remembering the name of Marci's forum.  Which incidentally, is now an integrated forum @ THE SECRET website......

However it goes.....not wanting to seem like a copy-cat, I decided to change the name.  Now I'm sure that someone else within the millions of websites in cyberspace has this name too......but that's OK.

I just wanted to inform everyone of this change.  Thanks to everyone of you who are active participaters in this forum......I love you all!  :-)

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Re: New Name Notice
4/2/2007 12:09:01 PM
Brian, Here's some good vibrations for you: Darryl
You can, if you think you can. You are somebody, cause God don't make no junk!
The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Re: New Name Notice
4/2/2007 12:15:55 PM
Hi Darryl!  :-)

Now thats what I'm talking about!  Thanks for the memories bud! 

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Thomas Richmond

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Re: New Name Notice
4/2/2007 12:39:39 PM

Drummer Boy, thanks for the invite, but the Vibe that you have has already been approved by God, hence the attitude of Brian Clawson! So as one of my Faves Niel Young would say - Keep On the FREE WORLD!  Good Vibes baby... ~Always!~

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Nick Grimshawe

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Re: New Name Notice
4/2/2007 12:45:53 PM
Hi Brian,

Good Vibrations has a lot of memories for me and the Utube video just confirms it.

I've tracked back through your post and I'm not sure why I haven't been paying attention. But I want to say I'm impressed with your forum and what you are doing.

I have been taking a course that is in Beta testing that is totally in tune with all that you are talking about.

It's not an affiliate program so I only profit in the sharing of this site. If anyone who reads this forum wants to work on self development, I recommend this site with the highest praise. Go to :

When you get there. Look me up my username is nickg

Nick Grimshawe
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