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The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Oprah SECRET reaction! One week L8R......................
2/19/2007 11:39:32 AM
THE SECRET...One week Later!

One week later......the public's reaction to THE SECRET!

Your emails poured in and's ratings went off the charts! The secret to making more money, losing weight, falling in love, landing your dream job…and you want more! The questions, the successes and the lives changed. Stories you have to hear! A follow-up to the show everybody is talking about! Talk about this show."

to watch last Friday's show!

Oprah knows “THE SECRET” YOU?

CLICK HERE to discover THE SECRET for yourself!

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Sheryl Loch

1260 Posts
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Re: Oprah SECRET reaction! One week L8R......................
2/19/2007 11:58:56 AM


I think EVERYONE can find at least 1 thing in the show that will help them change for the better!

This show gets 2 thumbs up!!

Today Great Things Will Happen!

Sheryl Loch  ~   allmylovecrafts

Proud Mom of,

Caitlinn Hagar  ~   gamegirlracing


Brad West

221 Posts
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Re: Oprah SECRET reaction! One week L8R......................
2/19/2007 6:30:02 PM

Hi Brian,

If you remember back some years Dr Phil started out on the Oprah Show as nobody really,

Now Dr Oz has a health segment once a week.

If something as important as mind training, and now that Secret is out who knows where it will go.

All I know is these things I have known for years. But truly neglected to practice them. I am part of this awareness and learn everyday, This is one of the reasons we built Community Marketing University.

I am a committed to improve and grow everyday with a group that supports each other we are unstoppable!!

I only ask myself one question now!!!  How can I??? and never look back!!

With All My Love 

Brad West       Onomoney 

Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Re: Oprah SECRET reaction! One week L8R......................
2/20/2007 12:33:58 AM
Hi Sheryl!  :-)

Thaks for stopping by!  Ya know....I learn something everytime I watch these guys!  Either I see something in a different light....or I pick up on something I didn't catch before!  Funny how the mind works....

But I have also watched THE SECRET more times than I can count - and I learn something everytime or I may get a new idea or perspective on something ....everytime!  Without fail!

This LOA stuff is life changing!  My life hasn't been the same since.......

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Oprah SECRET reaction! One week L8R......................
2/20/2007 12:42:59 AM
Hi Brad!  :-)

I can remember when Dr Phil 1st started being a "special guest" on Oprah.......and I just saw Dr. Oz last week!  The guy makes alot of sense!  Dr. Phil on the other hand?  Well, I knwo he is popular.....but he doesn't say anything that I haven't already been told by my grandmother!  LOL....

How can I?  What an awesome way to look @ a situation!  I love it!   Not....."Can I?" or even "Will I?"  But "HOW CAN I?"  Awesome outlook my friend!

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!


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