Hi Kathy,
This is a amazing program everyone needs to sign up on this one it will also help your existing business grow.There are products here you can offer your existing customers and ItsYourNet, LLC offers you products and services at below market value pricing.
Here`s how you profit by it.. join as an afiliate and invite others to become free afilaite with you in its your net introduce them to our free 2-tier afiliate program our low cost high end products and show them our 3-D realm If you ,your direact sales to customers,any of you affiliates ,or any ot their direct sale customers purchase products from its your net you earn a monthly residual payment for as long as the purchasers account remains in good standing When it comes to the wireless internet services your potential to generate earnings goes well beyond anything Imaginable As a afiliate you are also able to regester existing ISP and/or Web hosting companies as well as branded WiFis as well By registering just one branded WiFi you could you retire from the work force for ever this could also happen if just one of the afiliates you refer registers just one branded isp as well eaning are paid on 2 teirs There are thousands of ISP and web hosting companies around the world While many of them have just a few thousand customers , just as many of them have customers numbering in to the 100s of thousands; even millions We inticipate paying $4.00 dollar per month per WiFi service as well as $4.00 per month per customer subscibed to the IP telephony service Branded ISPs make up to $6.00 per customer You earn up $1.50 monthly! Are you doing the math? Example if you sell just 100 T-! connections you earn $200.00 dollars a monthly or $400.00 if they also buy the telephony services your also paid 100% matching bonus on all your affiliate customer sales example 1 cont if you sponcer just 10 afiliates who who directly sell just 100 T-1 connections and IP telephony services each You would have 1000 tier 2 customers and you could earn $4000.00 per month Example 2 if you register just 1 branded WiFi ISP has 100,000 customers who obtain the T-1 and the telephony services The ISP earns $600,000 your sponser earns $50,000 and you earn $150,000 every month!! think about what would happen if you registered 10.. 20.. or 100 branded ISPs