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Your Videos Needed ...
2/18/2007 8:26:23 PM
Do you have any videos that need to be in the public view? Commercials of your business? Something that resembles you, your product or service?

Come place them over at

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Videos Needed
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Kenneth R Sword Jr
Re: Your Videos Needed ...
2/19/2007 4:37:54 AM

Hi Kenneth:

There are no videos from TGAMM, just music rolling 24/7 :)

By the way, I have an email from a listener that having heard your live spot on TGAMM, wanted to know about the screening process you will use when posting videos at BIZZYBLOGZ; how they can be sure no objectionable visuals get posted like some of the " border line trash, " they see at

To your continued success,

Joe Buccheri

Re: Your Videos Needed ...
2/19/2007 10:46:23 AM
Good question. Each video and song (both catagories here) are uploaded by the member and go into a queue waiting for Admin approval. Admin checks during certain periods of the day and night these uploads and either approves or deletes the upload.

We have guidelines listed on the Googlegroup to what is objectionable.

Thanks for the question.

Kenneth R Sword Jr

John Hanevy

42 Posts
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Re: Your Videos Needed ...
2/19/2007 1:20:09 PM
Hi Ken,

I visited the link and read the conditions. In your post you are saying commercials are o.k., but according to the terms Promotional Materials are prohibited. I have a mpeg clip that gives an overview of my opportunity.  Is this permitted, or will it be considered Promotional Materials?

I categorized my video under News and Blogs, will there be a separate category added for Business?

How will we know when our video has been accepted? When I submitted I got a blank  *.php  page, so not sure if it went through or not.  Thanks.

Pay for Results, NOT Clicks! And get great discounts from businesses in your area, and nationwide!
Re: Your Videos Needed ...
2/19/2007 4:08:20 PM
Hi John,

Thank you for catching to discepency. It now reads:

Promotional media. Movies, CDs, software, books (including advance reading copies and uncorrected proofs), etc., that are produced and distributed for promotional use only and are not owned by you and/or you do not have rights to are prohibited.

I will see if we can add a business section to the movies area.

I check for your video in queue but didn't see it. Make sure of the accepted formats and try again.


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