Hi friends,
Just to follow on from the last post, I came across this
We receive such a tremendous amount of unsolicited commercial
email (sp^m) in our In-Box everyday, we can certainly understand
why some people become "Anti-Sp^m" crusaders. Since the
majority is sent with a phony return address, it is virtually
impossible to track down. Most people simply delete the
clutter, or create filters with their email package to
automatically get rid of a lot of it.
Over 80% of all email sent is sp^m and the CAN-SPAM Act simply
is not having much of an effect. In point of fact, it is worse
now than it ever was. While the law is on the books, it just
isn't being enforced properly. What a waste of resources and our
time! To add insult to injury most Internet Service Providers
(ISPs), in their sometimes overzealous efforts to protect us,
attempt to filter out unsolicited email and wind up deleting
valid email.
There is no such thing as a perfect filter. If a certain
blocking technique is installed, the sp^mmers quickly find a way
around it. Face it - this is their business. They will quickly
go out of business if their email is not delivered. But, if
someone sends a legitimate email that happens to trigger one of
the filters of the receiving ISP, it will never be delivered. To
make matters worse, neither party will ever know it wasn't
delivered, as most ISPs simply dump it into hyperspace. They do
this in two ways. The receiving ISP either blocks the Internet
Service Provider (IP) address of the sender, or their actual
email address. If they block the email address, and let's
assume it's yours, this means that you can't send any email to
anyone using that ISP. This is a harsh penalty for an innocent
Last year, AOL reported it blocked over 500 billion (Yes that's
a Billion) email messages, and regularly blocks 75-80% of all
incoming mail. How many messages that you wrote, never got
there? So what can we do to protect ourselves?
Never - and that is a very long time - use your primary email
address on the web. If you frequent chat rooms, bulletin boards
or have ads for your business, do NOT use your primary email
address. These places are where the sp^mmers usually find their
Keep your primary email address private. Get some free email
addresses such as Hotmail for your travels throughout the web.
Get another for the publications you wish to receive. Don't
think that different user names from AOL will solve this
problem, as if they block an email address sent to one, it is
automatically blocked for all.
If you sign up to receive a Newsletter and don't get it, or it
suddenly stops arriving, one of the legitimate articles most
likely triggered the Spam Filter of your Internet Service
Provider. Some of the articles discuss actual offers on the web
and may use some of the terms they block. For example, if an
article is discussing a known scam, it has to refer to some of
the words that they might use to block the actual scam. Once it
is blocked, you may never get it again.
You can ask your site host to reduce the level of filtering on
your Email, or to never reject something sent through the email
address of the publisher. Many can do this. If your ISP cannot
or will not honor your request, the solution is simple - get one
that will.
The ideal solution is to get multiple email addresses, from
different vendors. That way, you should be able to not only
conduct your business and receive your valid email, but send the
majority of the spam to addresses you won't check anyway.
I use 4 email addresses, one for junk,2 for business
and 1 private. I also use SPAM ARREST which is great
for stopping the unwanted mail.
It's an excellent product ,Take a FREE Trial!!
Leanne Busby