Hi everyone!
Sorry for technical glitz in the links of my previous post.
If you like to watch the videos about "The Secret" just go to Google Videos and search:
LARRY KING LIVE "Beyond Positive Thinking" Part 1 (5 videos) and Part 2 (5 videos)
OPRAH "The Secret" Revealed OPRAH "The Huge Reaction"
ELLEN DEGENERES SHOW "The Secret" (Parts 1 & 2)
Just click the titles below and you'll get there this time. :) Know the MYSTERY of THE SECRET here: CLICK NOW : BOB PROCTOR LIFE SUCCESS PRODUCTIONS Note: Please select Home in the Menu and you'll see "The Secret" logo or image. Click the logo to get there!
Thank you for this opportunity to share! Have an abundant life!
Namaste, Nettz