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Liberty Health Net's MGA Plus - Super Antioxidant Immune System Product !
2/16/2007 9:06:18 PM
MGA-Plus Mangosteen - Goji - Acai - Pomegranate One of the basic foundation blocks of health and healthy aging is good nutrition. The way to good health, we are told, is to eat well and get lots of exercise. Eating well means getting lots of whole foods -- fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts -- and limiting animal fat, hydrogenated fats, salt, sugar, and environmental pollutants. Eating well means a healthy body, a body that is resistant to the damage and deterioration seen with age. Anything that contributes to good health contributes to an anti-aging plan -- the two things go hand in hand. Paying such close attention to diet is a tall order for many people. Most of us are busy and preoccupied with other things: putting together three nutritious meals a day just isn't an option. That's where anti aging nutritional products come in for those of us who want to add an anti aging aspect to our healthy eating plan. Anti aging nutritional products often contain a high concentration of antioxidants. Antioxidants are scavengers that can neutralize and "mop up" free radicals before they get a chance to do their damage and harm your body. They get their name from their ability to inhibit oxidation. Free radicals are unstable atoms or molecules that are produced during normal body functions, and contain an unpaired electron making them highly unstable. In order to satisfy this shortage, they raid other cells in your body, borrow an electron from a normal cell, and cause irreparable damage in the process. This process is called oxidation. It’s the same process as when metal rusts or a cut up apple turns brown. Free radicals cause oxidation inside your body, which is why you want plenty of antioxidants to inhibit this process that causes cell damage and consequent aging. Established science reveals that free radical damage can be linked to no less than 60 degenerative diseases. There are lots of different substances we call antioxidants, including many vitamins and minerals. Of course, not all antioxidants are created equal. Knowledge about the role of free radicals in aging and disease processes, as well as the protective nature of antioxidants, has blossomed in recent years. The main source of antioxidants in a normal diet has also been identified -- fruits and vegetables and other plant products. That's where M-G-A-PLUS really comes in. Loaded with antioxidant power, M-G-A-PLUS is the perfect compliment to eating well and exercising, even when you don't do either as well as you should. MGA-Plus contains Mangosteen, Goji, Acai (ah-sigh-ee), and Pomegranate, four powerful and carefully researched nutritional foods. Recently, several companies have built their entire businesses around just one of these fantastic compounds that cost much more and provide only a fraction of the benefits available from MGA-PLUS. They correctly and aggressively promote their products as anti-aging products. Though new to most of us, each has a long history of benefits in its native culture. Together, they offer a never before seen dynamo of antioxidant power, superior to any one of its components, individually. Mangosteen: Mangosteen is a tasty fruit that has been used for thousands of years in Chinese, Aryuvedic, and folk medicine in Asia. It is thought to have originated in Southeast Asia, and has been used for hundreds of years to ward off and help a full spectrum of health concerns: inflammatory diseases of the bowel, such as diarrhea, dysentery and parasites; skin infections (like eczema); wounds, pain, fever, and headaches; even bacterial and fungal pathogens. More recently, scientific studies have revealed an incredible scope of potent human health benefits that have led many to believe that Mangosteen will be the most important fruit on earth. The Mangosteen pericarp (the outer shell) is the greatest known supply of a powerful phytonutrient, called "Xanthone," which offer powerful immune and cardiovascular support. Xanthones are one of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature, similar to flavonoids, and important as free-radical scavengers. An antioxidant is an atom or molecule with extra electrons it can donate to inactivate and neutralize the free radicals. Dr. Bruce Ames, one of the world's foremost free radical experts, estimates that the DNA in each one of the trillions of cells in your body receives 10,000 hits a day by free radicals, doing extensive damage to the healthy aging process. Over 200 naturally occurring Xanthones have been identified so far. Approximately 40 of those have been identified in the Mangosteen rind. The Mangosteen was never formally utilized for its multiple health benefits until very recently, despite its history and popularity as a folk remedy in Asia, Africa, and South America. With all of this history, it was only four years ago that Mangosteen become available in the US for the first time in the form of a functional health beverage. Studies have shown Mangosteen to be just as beneficial as the strongest anti-inflammatory drug available, without any of the negative side effects or consequences. The inflammatory process comes at a time when tissues are going through the natural process of disrepair. Cells have been damaged, and the end result of that damage is the production of hormone-like molecules called prostaglandin's, which cause pain and inflammation. The intermediate cause of this process is an enzyme called Cox II. The Cox II enzyme is what actually starts the inflammation, swelling and pain. The Xanthones, found in abundance in the Mangosteen, are proven to provide natural relief via direct inhibition of the Cox II enzymes. You've probably heard of Cox II inhibitors. Well, the Xanthones in the Mangosteen are natural Cox II inhibitors. In terms of Xanthones, there is no other known fruit that compares. The Xanthones in the Mangosteen have been found to: strengthen cell walls; Kill bacteria, viruses, fungus; assist the body run as a complete, interrelated and integrated system; act as an antidepressant, and help the mind to think better, adapt better, and promote a sense of well-being; appear to reverse the damage to brain cells so they grow and divide properly, and helps the cell walls and the neurotransmitters to function properly; aid with Alzheimer's, cognitive skills, memory loss, and all forms of brain malfunctions; assist in the battle against degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis; and improves the vision process, specifically cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other forms of vision loss. Scientific research is making it increasingly evident that Xanthones are the substance responsible for the wide range of medicinal benefits experienced by people who use the Mangosteen. One thing is clear: we have a lot more to learn about Xanthones. Our knowledge of these powerful, active substances hidden within the rind of the Mangosteen has only just begun. Goji: There are more than forty different types of berries that are often referred to as Goji berries, known in Tibet as pang jia.Ã,. The largest and most mature berry grown in the mountains of Tibet is considered by ancient and modern-day doctors and scientists to be superior to all other Goji berries, wolf berries and Goji derivatives such as Goji juice products. These Goji berries have passed the Tibetan Medical College's rigorous quality selection criteria. According to the Tibetan Medical College, those Goji berries can: * help you develop a stronger immune system, which means better resistance to illness * Has anti-aging properties * Will help you guard against cancer * Brightens and improves your eyesight * Nourishes your liver and kidneys * Normalizes your blood pressure and blood sugar levels * Assists with weight loss * Lowers your cholesterol * Slows hair loss and graying * Rejuvenates your mind, your body, and your spirit You may wonder how this tiny berry can have such dramatic positive effects on our health. To start, the Goji berry is higher in antioxidants than any other known food. Antioxidants help you maintain healthy vision and reduce your risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and dozens of other degenerative diseases. The Goji berry contains 18 amino acids -- the building blocks for protein, and contains over 12 times more protein than apples, oranges, or strawberries. It has the highest content of beta-carotene among all foods on earth. Beta-carotene can be transformed into vitamin A under the influence of human liver enzymes. Therefore, vitamin A is ultimately a major influence in Lyceum's function in good eye health. The Goji berry has higher levels of vitamin C than oranges, and contains polysaccharides, which can * help prevent cancer * neutralize the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, * normalize blood pressure, * balance blood sugar, * combat autoimmune disease, * act as an anti-inflammatory, * lower cholesterol, and * increase calcium absorption. Scientific research reveals that Goji's four unique polysaccharides (LBP1, LBP2, LBP3 and LBP4) work in the body as directors and carriers of instructions that cells use to communicate with each other. It can be said that the Goji polysaccharides are "master molecules" because of their ability to command and control many of the body's most important biochemical defense systems. They are of great importance to the smooth functioning of virtually every cell in the entire body. Acai: The Acai berry, or Acai Fruit grows on majestic palm trees in the Amazon Rainforest and looks like a purple marble or grape. Acai has a delicious tropical berry flavor. The people living in the Amazon region in Northern Brazil have consumed Acai for hundreds of years and it's healing and sustaining powers are legendary. The Amazon Acai berry, with 10 times the antioxidants of grapes and twice the antioxidants of blueberries, is considered to have the best nutritional value of any fruit on earth. It may be the most perfect food on the planet, since it is rich in so many nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and trace minerals, and dietary fiber which research studies suggest promotes a healthy digestive system, lowers blood cholesterol, and help to combat premature aging, as does rich amounts of vitamin E found in the berry. Insoluble fiber may also help to reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers. Omega fatty acids 6 and 9 are essential for healthy nervous system development and regeneration. They also help to repair and rejuvenate muscles after intense exercise, and are proven to lower LDL and maintain HDL cholesterol levels. The fatty acid ratio in Acai resembles that of olive oil. Studies suggest this is a contributing factor to the low incidence of heart disease in Mediterranean populations. The Acai berry contains an almost perfect essential amino acid complex. Aminos are vital for proper muscle contraction and regeneration, and for endurance, strength, sustained energy and muscle development. Acai berry is known to harness antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antimutagenic properties. It is also a dense source of a particular class of flavonoids called anthocyanins. In December 2004 a peer-reviewed study at Michigan State University published by the American Chemical Society noted that anthocyanin could boost insulin production by up to 50%. Acai is also extremely rich in organic vegetable protein which does not generate cholesterol during its digestion, and is more easily processed and transported to your muscles than animal protein (such as in milk or meat). In addition, Acai is also rich in carbohydrates which provide your body with the necessary energy while working, exercising or participating in any type of sport. The ORAC value of Acai Berry is higher than any other edible berry in the world! The proanthocyanidine contents in Acai Berries are 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine per volume. Although the French have a high fat diet, they have a low incidence of cardiovascular disease compared to the western countries. They contribute this factor to their consumption of red wine. Acai berries can help promote a healthier cardiovascular system and digestive tract, because of its synergy of healthy monounsaturated fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols. Acai Berries contain plant sterols including beta-sitosterol. Today, sterols are being used to treat associated benign prostate dyperplasia. These plant sterols have also been shown to help control cholesterol as well as act as precursors to many important substances produced by the body. Theobromine in Acai is a stimulant frequently confused with caffeine, however it has very different effects on the human body from caffeine; it is a mild, lasting stimulant with a mood improving effect, whereas caffeine has a strong, immediate effect and increases awareness. It can benefit the body as a diuretic, a vasodilator, and a myocardial stimulant. It also acts as a bronchial dilator to help open air passage ways in the lungs. This increased air capacity helps in oxygen intake, which increases endurance, strength, and athletic performance. Photosterols in Acai are complex compounds of plant cell membranes help with symptoms associated with BPH, (benign prostate hyperplasia), and also help to promote a healthy cardiovascular system and contribute to a healthy digestive tract. Pomegranate: Some of the most powerful, polyphenol antioxidants are found in great abundance in Pomegranates. Naturally occurring polyphenolic compounds give many fruits, vegetables and plants their bright colors, and these compounds are what make pomegranates red. Many of the antioxidant characteristics in plants are due largely to anthocyanins. The darker, more deeply red and blue fruits usually have higher values of antioxidants; the rich, red pomegranate is absolutely loaded with them. Research has shown that Angiotensin-converting enzymes in pomegranates make blood vessels relax, and help to lower blood pressure and allows more oxygen-rich blood to reach the heart. When a blood vessel that feeds the heart is blocked, it can cause a heart attack. If it blocks a vessel feeding the brain, it can cause a stroke. Naturally, the less plaque, the better it is for your body. And that's where pomegranate can help. Research has shown that pomegranates can reduce plaque buildup in the arteries by up to 30%. One pomegranate delivers 40% of an adult's daily vitamin C requirement. It is also a rich source of folic acid and of antioxidants. Folic acid is known to reduce homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood. Epidemiological studies have shown that too much homocysteine in the blood (plasma) is related to a higher risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. Other evidence suggests that homocysteine may have an effect on atherosclerosis by damaging the inner lining of arteries and promoting blood clots, and is considered as important a "risk factor" for cardiovascular disease as is low density lipoprotein (LDL). Pomegranates are high in polyphenols, the most abundant being hydrolysable tannins, particularly punicalagins, which have been shown in many peer-reviewed research publications to be the antioxidant responsible for the free-radical scavenging ability of the fruit. Many food and dietary supplement makers have found the advantages of using pomegranate extracts (which have no sugar, calories, or additives), instead of the juice, as healthy ingredients in their products. Many pomegranate extracts may exhibit a strong ellagic acid component that exhibits both anti-carcinogenic and anti-parasitic properties, largely a byproduct of the juice extraction process. In several human clinical trials, the juice of the pomegranate has been found effective in reducing several heart risk factors, including LDL oxidation, macrophage oxidative status, and foam cell formation, all of which are steps in atherosclerosis and heart disease. Tannins have been identified as the primary components responsible for the reduction of oxidative states which lead to these risk factors. While there are tannins in some teas and in red wine, tannins are truly abundant in pomegranates, which add substantially to the pomegranates incredible antioxidant properties. Pomegranate has also been shown to reduce systolic blood pressure by inhibiting serum angiotension converting enzyme (ACE) and osteoarthritis. It would be impossible to over describe the wonderful benefits found in this breakthrough product. The synergizing dynamic from four such outstanding components as described in this article is truly remarkable, and the value is awesome. M-G-A-PLUS is not available in stores or by Mail Order. For more information or to order at savings up to 60%, get back to the person who provided this information. Your Health and Success are my Goals! Danielle Parsons 360.383.0265
Danielle Parsons
Re: Liberty Health Net's MGA Plus - Super Antioxidant Immune System Product !
2/19/2007 11:02:26 PM

This is interesting, I will check out the site :)

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Re: Liberty Health Net's MGA Plus - Super Antioxidant Immune System Product !
2/20/2007 6:58:49 PM
Thanks Jan! I am saddened by the news of children dying from influenza and other viruses that are appearing in our environment now. It is my mission to help as many people as I can with Health and Wellness. I am visiting your site now. Danielle Parsons
Danielle Parsons

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