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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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ALL the SMALL THINGS You DON'T DO are Costing You MONEY!!
2/15/2007 6:13:44 PM

One of the classic hard rock bands from way back...Deep Purple performing an old and newer version of Highway Star, plus Smoke on the Water, and Perfect Strangers:


Fill out all your information at the links under the "Account Setup" area on the left side of your Adlandpro page, especially your signature file which is in the "Personal" area.  Your sig file will be at the end of every post you make here in the community forums.

Always make sure your URLS for your businesses are correct.  Any little mistake will make you lose traffic, you need all your dots, digits and slashes in the right places and spell the words in your URL correctly.

Check your email every day for this message: "Your Name - Your AdlandPro Community Activity Report" this tells you who clicked on your profile, bio page, webpage, and your ads yesterday.  Click on each of those visitors and send them a thank-you message for visiting you, and that's a good way to find out if they were interested in any of your offers or would like to visit your forums on a regular basis.

Bookmark this link so you can check out recent forum activity, invite new friends, or find out quickly if anyone has posted to your forums...or click back thru several pages to see what you missed overnight:

I hope all of the above was helpful, we need to do all we can to promote our offers and stay active here, follow-up and consistent communication are essential!

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Flag of Sheryl Loch

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Re: ALL the SMALL THINGS You DON'T DO are Costing You MONEY!!
2/15/2007 7:25:52 PM

Great helpful hints! I would say a picture of yourself is very important! I like to see who I am talking with.

Sig line - ARGHHHH!!! I have been working on mine today & finally decided to give it up for the day. Tomorrow should be better!


Today is My Day!

Sheryl Loch   ~  allmylovecrafts

Proud Mom of,

Caitlinn Hagar  ~   gamegirlracing


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Flag of Jim Allen

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Re: ALL the SMALL THINGS You DON'T DO are Costing You MONEY!!
2/15/2007 8:22:03 PM

Hey Kathleen,

You know we do forget to cover the bases so to speak.  As our skill levels increase we sometimes forget to let folks know those little things that mean so much.

Thanks for the tunes too.  I love Deep Purple..glad to meet another rocker.

Savings Highway does more than save you money.  You should take a look and share your review.

Looking forward to the Daytona 500 this weekend.  Nascar season begins YeeHaaa!!


Catch you soon,


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Flag of Larry Blethen

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Re: ALL the SMALL THINGS You DON'T DO are Costing You MONEY!!
2/16/2007 12:43:30 AM
hello Kathleen ..thank for these for helpful hints here at Adland internet marketing took me awhile to understand this before I started to put my url in my signature...I am show everyone will benefit from your post...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: ALL the SMALL THINGS You DON'T DO are Costing You MONEY!!
2/16/2007 7:16:41 AM

Hi Sheryl,

Sometimes putting everything on 1 page such as your Adlandpro webpage or bio page, and then just putting that one link in your sig file works better than trying to post several lines. 

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