
Who is Steven Reid?

Steven Reid

Steven Reid
BirthdaySaturday, July 2, 1955
Member SinceTuesday, September 27, 2005
Last ActivityMonday, October 4, 2010
LocationClaysville, Pennsylvania, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I live in a small town in the SW corner of Pennsylvania called Claysville.

I first started working online in September of 2005 to get viewers to a website I built for the church I attend here.

I very quickly saw the possibilities of being able to earn a good living online, and as there wasn't much interest from church members with the site, that's what I set out researching.

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Sara Gardner Blow - (4/28/2010 1:17:05 PM) : Hello Steven, my prayers and best wishes are sent your way.
Beth Schmillen - (4/28/2010 1:37:46 AM) : just stopping by to say hi! wishing you very special days! - Beth
Roger Bjornerud - (4/23/2010 11:26:00 AM) : Thank you for accepting my invitation to be friends Steven. If you have any questions please click my name and send me a message. :)
Alain Deguire - (4/18/2010 1:26:32 PM) : Hi Steven! Thank You for Accepting My Friendship... Happy to be your New Friend. Many Blessings, Alain
Ralph White - (1/2/2010 10:40:33 AM) : Free Coaching From Internet Millionaire - Sign Up Now!My mentor and real Internet Millionaire, Dwayne, isoffering free coaching to show people how to earn$1,000 to $5,000 a month from home.
Scott Reynolds - (2/25/2006 3:36:04 PM) : Steven is a great person, thoughtfull, kind, helpfull and funny.
Tim Southernwood - (1/25/2006 6:44:30 PM) : Dedicated and unassuming. Steve's a great guy, and I'm happy to have him as my friend!
Steven Reid - (1/25/2006 6:44:30 PM) : Tim,
I really don't know what to say except thanks. Have to keep reminding myself, "This is not my doing. It's God that's in charge in all things. Thanks again my friend,
Martin Waples - (1/17/2006 11:38:04 AM) : Thank you my brother in christ.

I too am a christian. I attend Faithful central Bible church, which is held at our home, what was once the great forum in which the Los angeles Lakers once played basketball in calif. I am taught and led by a great man of God pastor Kenneth C. Ulmer who undoubtly preached God's word all over the world and building Champions in Christ.

I would find great pleasure becoming your friend and too share God's word, to encourage you and edify you in times of need and when led by the Holy Ghost.

Reading your info. I pray in the name of Jesus that You have been Healed from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tougne that rise's against you in judgement You shall condemned this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord And their righteousnessis from Me, says the Lord.

god bless you and will be in touch!

Steven Reid - (1/17/2006 11:38:04 AM) : Hello Martin,
Many thanks for you message and for your Prayer. God has truly been wonderfully merciful without a doubt in my mind. I would be honored to be friends with you here at Adland. Talk to you again soon my friend.
your friend and Brother in Christ,


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