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Vi Shahan

201 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Letters From The Heart
2/15/2007 2:51:20 AM
Treasures Of Friendship

Sometimes it's hard to come straight out and tell our friends how much we love and appreciate them. We might feel awkward expressing deep feelings, even to our nearest and dearest, because it is not a common practice. We might get choked up or embarrassed in the process, or we might fear we will embarrass them. Still, we all have those moments when we realize how fortunate we are to have the friends we have, and we may long to express our gratitude. Moreover, it may be of tremendous benefit to our friends to be at the receiving end of our appreciation. At times like these, writing a letter can help us say what we want to say without feeling self-conscious. Additionally, a letter gives your friend the space to really take in your expression of love and the gift of being able to return to it time and again.

As you sit down to write to your friend, take a moment to consider the qualities you most value in your friendship. It might be the fact that you always laugh when you talk or that you feel safe enough to confess your worst problems and always leave feeling better about everything. It might be the new ideas and experiences you've been exposed to throughout the course of your friendship. Whatever it is, really take the time to express to your friend their unique impact on your life. You don't have to use big words or fancy metaphors; all you need to do is write from your heart and your friend will feel the love in the words.

Letters, which used to be somewhat common, are now rare. A handwritten letter makes a wonderful gift to be treasured always. You might simply send it or hand deliver it out of the blue. Whatever you choose, your letter will no doubt be received and treasured with a grateful heart.

"Change Your Mind." "Change Your Life." Vi Shahan Website:
Re: Letters From The Heart
2/15/2007 8:37:36 AM
Hello Vi,

You are so correct..letter writing is almost
a lost art..I wish I had saved some of the
correspondence of earlier days..

I was in FreeLife..tried to visit your site,
but the message was that your name could
not be found..

Have a great day,
Gail Dennis

114 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Letters From The Heart
2/15/2007 9:31:05 AM
Letter writitng was a part of my school curriculum and I noticed that my children are not writing letters in school. I grew up having pen pals to whom I wrote on a weekly basis, my children do not. John and Abigail Adams had a healthy letter writing habit. We have a marvelous and accurate historical picture of their time and concerns for a young United States. From their letters we have gained insight into the issues facing American society during the journey to independence and the struggle to establish itself as a nation of influence. Thanks to the letter writing habit of previous generations we know much of our past history and have gained insight into the private lives of those who have influenced our governance. Think about the letters Ronald Reagan wrote to his beloved Nancy. We do not have to be award winning writers, but a heartfelt note to our loved ones, family and friends can be a real source of comfort and encouragement at the most unexpected time. Letter writing would also encourage our young ones to read. Imagine getting a letter from a beloved relative addressed them, with a story from that relative or some tidbit of information. That is communication time with that person not shared with anyone else. Thanks for your post. You have given me much to think about. I have always recognized the value of letter writing, but have not taken the time to continue this communication skill. Letter writing is the heart and soul of communication. Afterall, history helps us to see that our great orators mastered the spoken word by their skillful use of the written words.