Hello friends,
Reminder... If you have not yet registered for our call with Law of Attraction conference call tonight, please register here:
If you are registered, you have received details of the call already.
I am excited to be partnering with Ananda and John McIntosh to co-host the next Law of Attraction conference call with our very special guest, Mike Dooley, on Tuesday February 13 at 9:00 pm Eastern time.
Mike Dooley is a featured Teacher in The Secret movie (http://TheSecret.tv), the owner of Tut's Adventurer's Club and the author of Infinite Possibilities and other publications.
You can get to know Mike here:
You may also watch a great video of Mike at YouTube here:
On our call Mike will be discussing "Creating Your Reality" and he invites YOUR questions.
PLEASE SUBMIT your questions for Mike to me at - linda@allowprosperity.com - with "Mike Dooley Question" in the subject. Be sure to include your name and we will do our best to ask your question on the call with Mike.
I have been a personal fan of Mike Dooleys for several years. When I purchased his Infinite Possibilities program, I bought two sets of CD's so my husband and I can both listen to them in our car and truck. That's how good they are!
Mike tells the story of how he began in 1989 selling T-shirts to tourists with his brother and mother. He says that never in a million years could he or his brother or Mom have guessed that their efforts would grow into a company whose main focus would be reaching out and serving as a "reminder service" of life's infinite grace and perfection.
Mike says that by setting yourself into motion, towards the realization of ANY dream, you also set into motion the entire "Universe" and all it's wisdom, which will then, and only then, conspire tirelessly on your behalf (even taking you "off course" if need be) to avail you of treasures and rewards beyond your greatest expectations.
You may subscribe to Mike's Adventurer's Club to receive fr..ee "Thoughts From The Universe" daily. I have been receiving these messages for years and they are VERY inspiring... something you will look forward to every day (or you can get them weekly).
Subscribe here:
If you are not yet registered for my Law of Attraction conference calls, please register here for details of the call with Mike Dooley and notice of upcoming Law of Attraction conference calls. (If you have already registered you will get a message that says you have previously registered and that is all you need to do.)
Then watch for a confirmation email which you MUST confirm to be registered.
Please mark your calendar for February 13 at 9:00 pm Eastern time, get registered, and then stay tuned for the phone number and details.
We look forward to your participation!