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Roger Macdivitt .

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Tips on How to Reverse the Effect of Karma
2/12/2007 11:28:22 AM

Tips on How to Reverse the Effect of Karma



Following our positive theme we can start to explore the close nature of our actions to both positive and negative and learn to use either well whenever we encounter them.


As a christian my faith is increased by my discovery that most of us who follow a spiritual pathway are singing from very similar hymnsheets.


Karma is a series of cause and effect. It is a cycle of certain actions and their subsequent results. Your own experiences can yield to certain joy and pain not only to yourself but also to others associated with you.


Oftentimes, we link God with Karma. This may due to a fact that we can see Him as the One who can give out punishments when we do wrong and give rewards when we do well. Karma goes hand in hand with the golden rule “Do not do unto others, what you do not want others to do unto you”.  


Karma not only concerns punishments, vengeance or rewards; it is the effect of the deeds you created in the past, present and future. Usually, we see Karma to be the good and the bad. Good karma is satisfying or what you desire. An example of good karma is eating the best food, traveling to the best part of the world or having a multitude of friends because of being helpful. Bad karma is the unnecessary events and unpleasant such as suffering from poverty and diseases among members of the family due perhaps to having an unmerciful life and one involving crimes.


How then will you take advantage of the Karmic laws? Being cyclical, it never ends, which is why we should take hold of the good benefits it can give. Here are some tips of handling Karma:


1.                If you are recently having a favorable status, you have enough money and an opportunity to expand, take advantage by investing your fortune in good and fair businesses. Any business which is a product of sweat and blood and not due to some illegal transactions will bring forth more wealth.


2.                Being in a not so good situation like poverty should not be treated as a disadvantage. This should be a motivator for you to be ambitious and move to reach your goals. “This too may pass”, as God implies and your own perseverance can progress your future and your Karma.


3.                Karma is a repetitive process; you should be aware about it. When having opportunities to grow like a good job offer, grab it.


4.                Karma can be a means of preventing you from being in trouble. If someone is trying to persuade you to steal or brawl, you might as well think first of the consequences it will bring, as considering being on the right side always opens your mind to the consequences an act can bring. 


5.                Inhibit yourself from complaining and putting the blame on other people. Negative thoughts produce negative vibrations that will eventually affect your views in life. Karma can be advantageous by providing you an understanding and a positive outlook in life.


6.                Pray and count your blessings. God is the provider of all graces. He knows all that troubles us and that makes us happy. Counting your blessings and thanking God always is a good way to have a calm life and a good Karma.


When analyzed, Karma is advantageous to any person practicing it. It is a way of looking upon your weakness and seeking for ways to strengthen your character, to feed your soul and to have a positive outlook in life. Life’s shortcomings are not altogether bad. Hardships are necessary for you to learn to be patient and to gain strength; poverty is present to allow us to be generous, and opportunities are often meager to allow us to grow. However, treating everybody fairly and doing good deeds will always bring back blessings to you as you deserve.
Re: Tips on How to Reverse the Effect of Karma
2/13/2007 6:51:43 AM


As I read what you shared, I thought about the first time I was introduced to the word, " Karma.:  A close friend was discussing it with his brother. The comment by the brother was, " I am sorry if my karma ran over your dogma."

( :) Don't you just love it when someone explains a joke ?

No matter what word we want to attach to life enhancing behavior, or it's opposite action; when one agrees to behave in a manner that is productive or the reverse, rest assured that you will get exactly what you asked for.

This was a great way to begin the day. Thank you.

Have A Good Karma kind of day,

Joe Buccheri



Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Tips on How to Reverse the Effect of Karma
2/13/2007 7:28:06 AM

Thanks Joe,

I aim to please.

I really must plug in to your station a little more.

Have you noticed how we often don't do the little things?

My computer is upstairs and is on wireless. We have a system of phones, all wireless. I sit at my computer without music in case my wife calls me for something or if she answers the phone and it's for me, then she calls.


By the way your joke! I was stressed but I'm now much Karma. (sorry)

Have a great time speaking to the ether.


Steven Suchar

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Re: Tips on How to Reverse the Effect of Karma
2/13/2007 1:38:43 PM

Hi Roger!

Thanks for inviting me to your wonderful forum...

Have a pleasant day...Steven.

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Tips on How to Reverse the Effect of Karma
2/13/2007 4:59:17 PM

Hi Roger my Friend, Thanks for the Invite, it looks like you have found yourself some good Karma here at Adland? Keep up the Good work. More Power to you!  Prayerwarrior

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