Hello friends,
Well, I certainly do hope you were watching Oprah Today and/or that you recorded it. It was beyond words what was shared by the director of the movie and 4 of the teachers from The Secret movie - http://TheSecret.tv
Many wonderful thoughts were shared by the Secret teachers.
Oprah said she has lived the principles taught in The Secret and she didn't know it was a "secret." Of course, we know it is not a secret... it's just that not everyone has been aware of these universal principles.
They are now!
Lisa Nichols suggested this affirmation to say to yourself...
"I choose today to give myself the best life ever."
What more could you want, right?
Rhonda Byrnes, the producer of The Secret movie described the 3 steps of Law of Attraction a little differently. She said..
Ask ONCE (because if you ask more than once you don't believe)
Believe (get out of your own way and allow the Universe to deliver)
Receive (allow what you want to come into your life)
(My comments in parentheses above.)
I know a few of you do not have access to the Oprah show, so I went to the Oprah website to see if there is a way to order a recording of the show. I did not find a video recording; however, I did find where you can purchase a transcript of the show (which will be WELL worth purchasing) here:
I am very GRATEFUL for the knowledge and inspiration shared on this show - to the point of tears as I watched.
Did you watch it?
Share your thoughts and insights. Did you have an a-ha moment?
Tell us!