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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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2 Things I'd Like to Share, one for FUN and one for INCOME::
2/8/2007 9:59:27 AM

Any country fans?  Here's 2 from Johnny Cash and a duet by Rascal Flatts and Carrie Underwood from last year's American Idol show:

Also, did you know that I let my Lotto Magic downliners use all the info I've written?  You can too if you join with me, look at all can just remove my ID # V5188 from all of these ads and articles and pop in your own Lotto Magic ID number, lots of my downliners got a fast running start and have made their own sign-ups within their first week.  It's a 2-level pay structure but I help everyone no matter how far down the line they are, even if I don't get commissions on their sign-ups. I believe in happiness-maintenance, so no one will quit on any level of my group, anywhere.

Here's my official Lotto Magic site, when you join you'll get a site just like this:


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Flag of James Reyes

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Re: 2 Things I'd Like to Share, one for FUN and one for INCOME::
2/8/2007 10:33:26 AM
This is a great idea and I will be glad to participate but at the moment I'm on a crusade to stem the course of global warming. The natural cycle is upset every time ocean temperatures drop one or two degrees. We can all do our share by reducing our dependence on OPEC. That is now possible by switching to solar power. Clean, non polluting power and you pay no more than you do now to your electricity provider. There is no upfront investment. Please check this out and start doing your share. Save the Trees...Save the World! for a business opportunity related to this (NO investment- No fees)
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Re: 2 Things I'd Like to Share, one for FUN and one for INCOME::
2/8/2007 3:42:48 PM

You don't have to be a senior to enjoy country music, you just need the appreciation of good music,,,,,,,,,,When you become a senior and enjoying the country style and want to further your enjoyment of good music, you go to and hear some of the best Southern Gospel on the market. Let me know if you do. AGLOCO thinks you deserve a piece of the action save the environment, Use Solar powur

WWJD Ralph Coppley Please let me know if you sign up for any of these programs. They are free or less than $50 to sign up and great opportunities. If you have trouble clicking on any link, please copy and paste it int
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Flag of John Rivera

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Re: 2 Things I'd Like to Share, one for FUN and one for INCOME::
2/8/2007 8:47:41 PM

Hi Kathleen

Love Johnny C.... I saw the movie they made about his life a few months ago. It is awesome and you guys have to see it. Very well put together by our HollyWierd companies.

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Flag of Sheryl Loch

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Re: 2 Things I'd Like to Share, one for FUN and one for INCOME::
2/8/2007 9:49:29 PM

My dad listened to Johnny Cash alot! Every once in a while I'll break out in 'I fell in to a burning ring of fire' OK, I won't sing the whole song right now.

Today is My Day!

Sheryl Loch   ~  allmylovecrafts

Proud Mom of,

Caitlinn Hagar  ~   gamegirlracing



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