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2/8/2007 12:54:19 AM
Dear friends,
first of all, I want to appologize and beg your pardon, that very often I just accepted your invitation, but did not even reply with a few friendly words.
For the time being, while starting my two mainbusinesses, I'm married with my PC at least 16 hours a day. I'm still here now, and it is again nearly 8 am.
Besides trying to find really good partners, I'm visiting trainings on- and offline, and for advertising reasons have to surf and click hundreds of ads.
So, please forgive, me, if I seemed to be unfriendly and unpolite. It's only lac of time, to answer right away.
Sory for that and warm regardds
Renate Schedl The moment you learnt not to stick to things you will really be free! The Link Cloaker, List Builder & Profit Generator System I Use Myself Not Using It Is Like Living In The Stone Age! Highly recommended
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Appologize
2/8/2007 4:29:58 AM

Hi Renate,

Slow and steady now!!  There is much to learn and it can't be all at once.  You will succeed if you are consistant .  Thanks for starting your forum as this is a good place to learn networking.


Now go play for awhile.  All work and no play makes for a dull person.


John Rivera

1329 Posts
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Re: Appologize
2/8/2007 9:19:19 PM

HI Renate

To much work and no play will cause you to stray into a Stressful situation. Many newbies that start businesses go at it full steam ahead without even knowing what they are doing. It's good that you are getting training and not only clicking away. Go to several of the forums and keep up with what some of us are doing. YOU will definately learn new ideas and many provide resources to help get you going. good luck in your ventures.  HERE below are some urls where you can get yourself some free hits and place some ads on me.

I am super busy with my opportunity but want to make sure you get some FREE traffic for you sites and businesses with NO Strings attached. So take advantage of it ASAP and thanks my friend.

FREE ADS to all - NO Catch..  And If you need to place more than one ad simply use a different email address for each ad. This is a New site that is getting lots of hits.

10,500 Free Traffic Bar HITS from this Special Link:  This site loads a bit slow, so give it time, it'll be worth it to you!

GOOD LUCK..... and If I can be of any help don't hesitate to call or email me.


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