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Robert Phillips

1540 Posts
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Person Of The Week
OWN 1% of this Community
2/5/2007 2:05:44 AM
Hello my friends,
I am telling every one now for those who have not signed up to please  go and sign up.

 For the first 1,000 people who sign up under me  Will get to own 1% of this ground breaking Community.
Invest in your future, you will own a percent of a community.

It is free to join.Plus its in pre launch so its not up yet, your just signing free today.
so please sign and get your position to own 1%.

Robert Phillips
Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: OWN 1% of this Community
2/5/2007 2:31:01 AM
Hi Robert Thanks for the Invitation. I signed up! Please, Take Care! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Robert Phillips

1540 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: OWN 1% of this Community
2/6/2007 1:16:26 AM

HI neil

thanks for signing up should be exciting

robert phillips

Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: OWN 1% of this Community
2/6/2007 1:56:30 AM
Hi Robert, Yes, I think this could, over time, earn us from a little to a lot of money with out us doing much at all. It is easy, simple and costs us nothing. I can not understand why more people are not joining it. -- -- Please, Take Care! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Robert Phillips

1540 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: OWN 1% of this Community
2/6/2007 2:00:31 AM

Hi neil

I saw from someone elses post that there are only like a think 300 spots left that was yesturday so they may be almost gone by now.

robert phillips


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