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Ruby Garson

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Learn One Secret Formula for Creating Response to Your Marketing Efforts!
2/3/2007 6:59:05 PM

Hello Friends,

Today, I am going to share with you one of the secret formulas marketers use to create responses to their marketing.

Now to some of you professional business people who have been doing marketing for years with any success, this will be very elementary.

However, if you are very new to the world of business, creating Ads, Marketing or Copywriting, this should give you a general idea of how to create the needed and desired response from people viewing your marketing Ads and letters.

The Secret is to remember the AIDA formula.   Now this is very simply an abrieviation to the steps needed in order to get people in general to respond to anything you are offering.

A stands for Attention:  You must first get your prospective customers Attention.

I stands for Interest:  You must then keep their Interest, to keep them reading.

D stands for Desire:  You must then create a Desire within them to want it.

A stands for Action:  You must create a call to action, so they respond.

Now to put this into an example, I'll use my Travel Booking Engine and Business Opportunity to help you understand. Below, I will create an actual ad/letter for this business.  So if it is of interest to you, feel free to check it out and join us!

Now, as you read the below ad, see if you can identify the items in the AIDA formula... breaking down this ad, will help you to create better ads for yourself. 

Increase Traffic To Your Site

Offer Discount Travel Services

With A Business Opportunity!

Your visitors can save on their travel needs, and make money if they want to join the business with you.

Right Now, With Flight 36, You Can

Own Your Own Discount Travel Booking Engine     Complete with Discount Airfare, Hotel, Rental Car, and Cruises.    

And... for all this, it only cost $36.00.  So Everyone Can Afford To Join!

Hello,  My name is Ruby Garson, I realize how hard it can be to get traffic to your site.  But now, you can get more traffic to your site, with the ability to offer virtually anyone discount travel services--even without the business opportunity. 

Today, most everyone needs a break now and then.  Most people take a family vacation at least once a year.  And that's not even including people who travel for business as part of their job on a regular, and sometimes daily, basis. 

So your target audience to market this to--is truly without limits.  Even people who normally don't travel, may at times need or want to take a break. Spend a night in a hotel or have the need to rent a car. And no one wants to pay full price. So...

What are you waiting for?  Take a few minutes and check this out!  Take a virtual trip on Flight 36.  It won't cost you a thing.  And, if this sounds like something of interest to you, you can even get involved in the business opportunity without breaking your wallet. 

There are many businesses out there that require a monthy fee, and they don't offer even one quarter of what Flight 36 does.  You won't find a better opportunity to increase your traffic. Save on your own travel, and help your friends and clients out by offering them discounted travel. And...

When people want to join you in the business opportunity, it is very affordable for them to do so.  Which will allow them to also increase their traffic by offering these services. So...

This is definately a win-win situation for all!

Now Don't Hesitate. Click on the link below and check this out!  It will only take a few minutes of your time.  

You owe it to yourself and your Future Success.  Give yourself the most you can for the least amount of expense of your time and money.

You will be very glad you did! 

Just visit:


Ruby E. Garson

Direct Response Letters









To Your Life Success, From Direct Response Ruby Garson Success University Get paid to be entertained! http://www.E4L.BIZ/money.htm?RubyGarson
Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Learn One Secret Formula for Creating Response to Your Marketing Efforts!
2/3/2007 7:39:04 PM

Hi Rudy,

Hope all is  going great with you my friend . Thank You for sharing your info  and the invite Gods speed :-) Lee

Re: Learn One Secret Formula for Creating Response to Your Marketing Efforts!
2/7/2007 8:40:11 AM
Hi Ruby, You're right, it does sound simple. Probably easier said than done for some people. I see a lot of mail that is either 'canned' or sloppily put together. If a little time is spent to formulate and write, the results will be so much better! You have given us a good example to learn by--thanks!

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