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Post Your Business Opportunity on this high-traffic Website For Free
2/3/2007 9:25:53 AM

You believe in the power of network marketing but you are struggling to make it work. Here is Your Solution: We Will Put 3 People In Your Downline In Your First 7 Days For FREE! Guaranteed.

You need your own website. No matter what your business is, you must have your own domain name and your own website with your own content so you can take control of your own future and your own profits.

Our Guarantee:
In your first 7 days of joining GDI (which offers a FREE 7 day trial) you will have at least 3 people sign-up under you or we will pay your first months fees.

This business has an awesome future. Millions are coming online every year and they all need their own business websites too. Here are the features to compare GDI to your other opportunities:

1. Cost to start: GDI - $10, other opportunities usually $100s.

2. Cost to remain in monthly: GDI $10, other opportunities usually $100s of dollars in monthly commitments for product you may not want or need.

3. Countries available to sell to: GDI: Nearly all, other opportunities usually limited.

4. Shipping costs: GDI - $0, other opportunities with physical products - high.

5. Email invite, autoresponder, and advanced lead tracking system: GDI – Yes, some other opportunities may have one of these features, but many don't.

6. Professional, high impact DVDs at low cost: GDI - Yes. Most other opportunities - no.

7. Need to make dubious claims: GDI – No. Opportunities relating to health, gas consumption – Yes.

8. Confusing financial structure, matrixes, “pods” etc. GDI – No, many other opportunities – Yes. (If you can't understand it, how will you explain it?)

Helping you take control of your business, building your own business empire, and helping other network marketers like you into a successful program will make a big difference in your success with your current opportunities.


This business strategy works. I have more than 20 people in my GDI downline in the first 45 days of joining. Thank you 3in7!

If you are not already a member, I will be proud to help you start building your own Internet business empire. You can find out more through these links:

Good Luck in everything you do.

Michael Cain

PS. 3in7 just added viral advertising! Post your link on a very high-traffic ad board for free:


Re: Post Your Business Opportunity on this high-traffic Website For Free
11/8/2008 9:51:35 AM


Interesting article about starting your own business.

I have been publishing and running an on line business for about 10 years now

and had many failures and successes.

Tracking advertisng results is something that a great number of people seem to

miss in their promotional efforts.   They seem to go for a "shotgun" approach

hoping to find prospects by sending out a lot of ads,  but not really targeting

them or determing where the are coming from.

What do you use to track your ads?










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