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Geketa Holman

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Please go read this .. it is so important !
1/29/2007 10:48:40 PM

HI everyone ,

 I am posting this for my good friends at TGAMM radio.. thanks for your support..

Dear Friends of Radio:

AMERICAN MEDIA INTERNATIONAL just sent out their press release. Here's the bottom line.

There are 40,000 plus members here inside ADLANDPRO. The overall consensus suggests that you are the most aggressive, pro-active community of marketers now operating on the World Wide Web. We would agree.

Next, AMI has issued a challenge to those here at ALP to join them in raising funds to help in the research to find a cure for Pediatric Cancer.

They will raise funds for this project in the following way:

* AMI will donate $5.00 from every sale of their marketing manual to aid pediatric cancer research.

* AMI will match the funds raised.

* A check for the funds raised will be presented in a public news event created by AMI naming the ADLANDPRO community as partners in this push to help find a cure pediatric cancer.

Next, you will need to copy the web address of this thread and send it to your circle of friends here at ALP instructing them to do the same. This is yet another way to emulate your marketing skills and proving again that communication is key to the success of any endeavor.

I am positive that you would agree that saving the life of a child, or anyone for that matter, who suffers from this plague on mankind is well worth our effort.

Spread the word, invest in the manual and become part of this fund raising campaign to enact a greater good.

Let me point your here:

To your continued success

Vernon Browne/ DIRECTOR


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Larry Blethen

2241 Posts
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Re: Please go read this .. it is so important !
1/31/2007 12:21:55 PM
hello Geteka...thank you for the heads up...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603